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The composers behind Kid Icarus: Uprising have been revealed. The mini-team consists of five membersL

Motoi Sakuraba
Yuzo Koshiro
Masafumi Takada
Noriyuki Iwadare
Yasunori Mitsuda

In other music-related news, you can listen to a variety of song samples on the Japanese Kid Icarus: Uprising website. Note that the translations below are not official.

Main Theme (Sakuraba)
Magna Theme (Yuzo Koshiro)
Black Pit Theme (Sakuraba)
Practice Room (Takada)
Star Pirate Theme (Iwadare)
Boss Battle (Mitsuda)
Chapter 4 Air Battle (Sakuraba)


Square Enix may have future plans for Mini Ninjas. The company filed a European trademark for Mini Ninjas: Hiro’s Adventure and registered various domains including “”.

Could this be a sign of things to come?


There are lots of Renegade Kid updates in the video above. Jools Watsham comments on the reviews/sales and demo for Mutant Mudds, teases Bomb Monkey, and more.

Retro City Rampage is a bit on the expensive side for a downloadable game – it’s going to cost fifteen buckaroos. The video above may convince you that it’s worth the investment, though!


E3 is about three months away, but that hasn’t stopped Ubisoft from dating their 2012 conference. As usual, it’s set for the Monday before the start of the expo – June 4. Assassin’s Creed III will surely be a big part of the show, and there will probably be a few surprises as well.

Hopefully this guy won’t be hosting the event…


RollerCoaster Tycoon 3D will be available at the end of spring, according to Atari. The company posted the message to its Facebook account today.

Atari wrote:

“RCT3D is slated to launch towards the end of Spring. We will provide an update if we receive any additional information.”

Amazon is still listing a May 22 release date for RollerCoaster Tycoon 3D. That would be toward the end of spring, so that could be correct.


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