Media Create software sales (2/27 – 3/4) – Top 50
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
01./00. [PS3] One Piece: Pirate Warriors #
02./00. [3DS] Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games
03./02. [3DS] Harvest Moon: The Land of Origin
04./00. [PSP] Great Battle Full Blast #
05./15. [3DS] Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
06./08. [3DS] Mario Kart 7
07./03. [PS3] Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm Generation
08./07. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land
09./09. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3G #
10./01. [PSP] Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave #
11./00. [3DS] Doraemon: Nobita and the Island of Miracles
12./05. [PS3] Asura’s Wrath
13./13. [3DS] Resident Evil: Revelations
14./11. [PS3] Binary Domain
15./00. [PS3] UFC Undisputed 3
16./21. [WII] Just Dance Wii
17./18. [PSP] Samurai Warriors 3 Z Special
18./25. [PSP] Monster Hunter Freedom 3 (PSP the Best)
19./04. [PSP] I Don’t Have Many Friends Portable #
20./22. [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 XL Edition
Fire Emblem: Awakening scan, character art
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Hayashida talks DLC for Mario, Wii U, using leftover Galaxy 2 ideas for Galaxy 3 unlikely, more
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
GamesRadar has published a massive interview with Super Mario 3D Land director Koichi Hayashida.
Hayashida did share a few nuggets about the 3D platformer, such as how Statue Mario barely made it into the game and how the team considered implementing a time limit on Fire Mario as was the case for the Galaxy games.
Speaking of Super Mario Galaxy, Hayashida basically said that it’s unlikely we’ll see a third game in the “series”. He doesn’t see a realistic scenario in which the staff would use leftover ideas from Galaxy 2 for a possible Galaxy 3 title.
Hayashida also confirmed that downloadable content is a possibility for Mario, discussed his thoughts about Wii U, and more.
Head past the break for all of Hayashida’s remarks!
10 minutes of Ninja Gaiden III footage
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Toki Tori 2 could be available for Wii U’s launch
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Last month, Two Tribes delivered a promise that they would do everything in their power to bring Toki Tori 2. We now have a final confirmation that the game is coming to Nintendo’s new home console.
Two Tribes creative director and co-founder Collin van Ginkel has said that “it will be on Wii U. Definitely. Yes.”
That in itself is pretty fantastic news. But the company’s managing director Martijn Reuvers added that Toki Tori 2 might be available for the launch of Wii U.
He said:
“…we’re pretty sure that it’s going to happen really quickly after launch. Maybe at launch but we don’t know, depends on Nintendo plans.”
Off-screen Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai videos
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Little Battler eXperience coming to 3DS, new game for PSP
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 0 comments

The Little Battler eXperience titles have found a home on the PSP since its inception. However, the latest issue of Coro Coro is rumored to have shown that the franchise will be making its way to the 3DS.
First up, Nintendo’s handheld will apparently be getting “Little Battler Experience Baku Boost”. This could be an updated version of Little Battler eXperience Boost, though this hasn’t been confirmed yet.
The PSP will likely see an entirely new game called “Little Battler eXperience W” and may tie into the anime that began airing in January.
New Inazuma Eleven announcement soon
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Level-5 will soon be unveiling the next Inazuma Eleven subseries. An official announcement will be made in an upcoming issue of Coro Coro Comics.
Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino said on Twitter that the new Inazuma Eleven series will be a “time travel adventure.”
It appears the company has plans for games, an anime, and a mange, much like Inazuma Eleven GO. Regarding the game, Hino confirmed that it will be an RPG. We don’t actually know if this is being created for a Nintendo system, but it will likely arrive on the 3DS given the history of the IP.
The first anime episode has been recorded, and the staff have developed the scenario quite a bit already.
High-quality Kingdom Hearts 3D scans
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Angry Birds still on the way to 3DS
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Rovio said that they would be bringing Angry Birds to the 3DS, though that was a considerably long time ago. Even though we hadn’t heard about the company’s plans, the title is still coming to Nintendo’s portable.
Rovio’s chief marketing officer/Mighty Eagle Peter Vesterbacka told Joystiq:
“We’ll have our games on the 3DS pretty soon.”