The Last Story footage
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments
Isn’t it nice knowing that this game will be available in North America in just a few months?!
New Kid Icarus: Uprising screenshots
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 0 comments
10 minutes of Dillon’s Rolling Western footage
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Off-screen Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai demo footage
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Media Create software sales (2/13 – 2/19)
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
01./00. [3DS] New Love Plus #
02./00. [PS3] Binary Domain
03./00. [3DS] Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
04./04. [3DS] Mario Kart 7
05./06. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land
06./05. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3G #
07./00. [PSP] Samurai Warriors 3 Z Special
08./03. [3DS] Resident Evil: Revelations
09./01. [PSP] Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki
10./02. [PSV] Gravity Rush
11./00. [3DS] Tekken 3D: Prime Edition
12./00. [3DS] Kyokugen Dasshutsu ADV: Zennin Shiboudesu
13./07. [PS3] Gran Turismo 5 Spec II
14./10. [WII] Just Dance Wii
15./00. [PSV] Kyokugen Dasshutsu ADV: Zennin Shiboudesu
16./08. [PS3] Armored Core V
17./13. [3DS] Inazuma Eleven Go: Shine / Dark
18./14. [PSP] Monster Hunter Freedom 3 (PSP the Best)
19./16. [WII] Wii Sports Resort with Remote Plus #
20./22. [3DS] Nintendogs + Cats: French Bulldog / Shiba / Toy Poodle & New Friends
The Last Story out in North America this summer
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
All things considered, North American gamers won’t have to wait long for The Last Story. XSEED has sent out an announcement of their own about the game and have confirmed a summer launch.
Read on below for the full press release.
Sakurai presents Kid Icarus: Uprising
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Multiple Multiplayer Modes Revealed in Kid Icarus: Uprising Game for Nintendo 3DS
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Nintendo has revealed new details on the different multiplayer modes in Kid Icarus: Uprising, which will launch exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS system on March 23. More than 25 years after the launch of the original Kid Icarus game for NES, Kid Icarus: Uprising brings the action and adventure of this beloved series to new heights. Modes and features in the new game include:
- Light vs. Dark: Team up with other players in Light vs. Dark multiplayer mode, in which two teams of three are pitted against one another. The ultimate goal is to empty the opposing team’s health meter, which transforms the last defeated team member into an angel. The team who defeats the opposing team’s angel wins. This unique multiplayer mode tests players’ ability to work as a team while keeping the match exciting as the focus constantly shifts from dealing out damage to protecting the team angel.
- Free-for-All: In this mode, up to six players (including CPU players) combat each other in a winner-takes-all match. Winners are determined by high score, heavily influenced by both the number of kills and the number of deaths.
- Match Set-up: Both Light vs. Dark and Free-for-All multiplayer modes are playable through local wireless play or online for players with broadband Internet access. CPU players will fill out the roster if there are fewer than six players in a match. Duration of the match, CPU difficulty, weapons and team handicaps are all customizable prior to beginning a multiplayer battle.
- Weapons and Weapon Fusion: The wide variety of weapons a player has collected in single-player mode can be used during multiplayer matches. Players can also earn additional weapons as rewards in multiplayer play. Players can choose set combinations of weapons and powers before entering into a match. This provides further incentive for players to continue collecting different and more powerful weapons as they play through the single-player campaign. Players can also fuse weapons together at the Arms Altar. Fusing two weapons will result in a single, more powerful weapon that retains some of the key benefits of each, giving players the ability to customize weapons to match their play style. Fused weapons can also be used in multiplayer matches.
- StreetPass: Through the StreetPass functionality of the Nintendo 3DS hardware, players have the ability to share one of their weapons with other Kid Icarus: Uprising owners. The selected weapon is turned into a Weapon Gem. Shared Weapon Gems can be converted into real weapons by paying Hearts. Players can also fuse Weapon Gems together by paying Hearts to create a more powerful Weapon.
Consumers who pre-order Kid Icarus: Uprising via GameStop, Best Buy and will receive a bonus download code for the 3D Classics: Kid Icarus game, a re-mastered 3D version of the NES original. The download code will be given to customers who pre-ordered Kid Icarus: Uprising at the time of the actual game purchase. Retailers may require a deposit for pre-orders. Kid Icarus: Uprising will carry a suggested retail price of $39.99 in the United States.Kid Icarus: Uprising launches across North America on March 23. For more information, please visit
Source: Nintendo PR
Nintendo Direct (2/22/12, Europe)
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, Videos, Wii | 0 comments
Media Create hardware sales (2/13 – 2/19)
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
3DS – 94,667
PS3 – 21,993
PSP – 14,824
Vita – 12,309
Wii – 7,874
PS2 – 1,433
Xbox 360 – 983
DSi LL – 901
DSi – 656
For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:
3DS – 67,558
PS3 – 22,002
PSP – 15,860
Vita – 13,939
Wii – 8,206
PS2 – 1,239
Xbox 360 – 1,139
DSi LL – 957
DSi – 651