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Kirby 3D Volume 1

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 0 comments

You can still watch this on the North American Nintendo Video service, in 3D and in higher quality. The second part of the episode will be available soon.

Strong 3DS commitment forms part of a sensational 2012 line-up
Acclaimed video games publisher Rising Star Games today announces that it will increase emphasis on Nintendo 3DS products for 2012, ramping up the number of titles it plans to publish throughout the calendar year.

With five products scheduled for launch on Nintendo 3DS in the first six months alone, Rising Star will lead the pack in one of the highest growth formats, with titles ranging from retro arcade gem BIT.TRIP SAGA, to mind-melting adventure puzzle game Shifting World.

This week’s Nintendo Download includes the following featured content:

Nintendo eShop:
Lock’N Chase – This classic arcade game invites you to play as a thief who’s trying to score big by collecting his weight in gold. Duck in and out of alleys while scooping up coins along the way. (For Nintendo 3DS™)

Stonekeep: Bones of the Ancestors – The legend of Stonekeep requires a new hero: you. Explore creepy dungeons, defeat monsters and take their loot in this fantasy RPG. (For Wii™)

First few seconds were cut off, but this will do for now…

Tetsuya Nomura confirmed downloadable content for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy in the latest issue of Famitsu. The DLC will go live following the game’s release in Japan. It’s unknown if Square Enix will give players new songs for free, or if they’ll be asked to pay a fee.

In other news, we have more specific details about the second Japanese Theatrhythm Final Fantasy demo. It will contain two songs and is expected to be available on the eShop next month.


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