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A Brand-New Adventure Featuring a Lineup of Unlikely Heroes and Deep Social Functionality

LOS ANGELES (May 31, 2011) – Square Enix, Inc., the publisher of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in the Americas, today announced HEROES OF RUIN™, a brand-new adventure featuring four unlikely heroes brought together to form a fearsome alliance. Custom-built for Nintendo 3DS™, with support for online play and a wealth of social gaming features, players will find a new experience awaiting them every day.

“Using the Nintendo 3DS™’ StreetPass™ and SpotPass™ functionality, HEROES OF RUIN will offer extensive multiplayer elements,” said Mona Hamilton, vice president of marketing and public relations, Square Enix, Inc. “We hope to create a community of HEROES OF RUIN fans who play well beyond the single player campaign and experience the story in completely new ways.”

Why the right side of the 3DS is cut off in these images is beyond me, but at least we get to see both screens at once!


We’re just a little over a week from Nintendo’s E3 2011 press conference. With the event just on the horizon, industry analyst Michael Pachter has brought out his crystal ball to share some predictions for the event. Additionally, he’s offered some thoughts on Project Cafe’s launch.

All of the points below come from the latest episode of Giantbomb’s Bombcast.

– Hardware and a bunch of titles at E3
– Many games since Nintendo hasn’t shown much this year
– Date for Kid Icarus: Uprising
– Last showing for Zelda: Skyward Sword
– Nintendo will probably say that they’ll have a Mario title at launch
– Pachter believes the Vitality Sensor is dead
– Pachter echoes IGN’s report of Foxconn beginning production in October
– He also thinks they could produce one million consoles per month
– Japanese launch for Project Cafe in April
– Also possible that Nintendo could stockpile systems and launch simultaneously in September

This information comes from Activision’s Jared Yeager…

“All I can say regarding your question is that we’re aiming at all viable platforms so, as details present itself, we will be able to speak further regarding that question. But it’s a very good question indeed! I appreciate the excitement but that is all I can say.”

I can see a 3DS version happening, but I think it’d be different from the console versions. Not just in terms of graphics and whatnot, but the toy add-ons that are being produced for other systems probably wouldn’t work for Nintendo’s handheld. This is all just speculation on my end, assuming Activsion even plans on releasing a 3DS version.


Update: At the moment, it isn’t clear if this is a Canada-specific bonus. It’s possible that it’s targeted to that region in particular.

Yup, it’s a poster… and that’s it. Better than nothing, right?


This game is finally going to be available in Japan next month. It was delayed from its initial release date of April 7th back in March.

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