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When Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney was revealed last year, Capcom USA made sure to inform fans that the title had only been announced for Japan. The company asked fans to sound off on Capcom Unity and other sites.

We haven’t heard about any localization possibilities since then, but there is a chance that the game could be brought to North America and Europe. A press release was distributed at TGS a few days ago and the whole thing was written in English. Interestingly, the document stated that “English names are TBD.”

This doesn’t mean that the title has been confirmed for release outside of Japan, though at least this gives us some hope!


Nintendo is taking shields to the next level in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Unlike previous titles, Link will be able to obtain a variety of shields through upgrades and other means.

Thus far, quite a few of them have been shown in trailers and other videos. It’s possible that you might have missed a few of them, as they’ve been quietly featured in some recent footage.

No worries, though! In the gallery above, you can find images of most of the shields shown up to this point.


The image above comes from one of Game Informer’s recent Skyward Sword videos. The text is displayed after Link obtains the first key piece in the area.

The funny thing is, there appears to be a text error of sorts. A “://” proceeds the end of the second sentence. It’s a bit surprising to see this with the game being fairly close to release, and I’m more surprised that Nintendo/Game Informer didn’t notice the mistake before the footage was approved.

It’s true though that this isn’t a huge issue. I’m sure that the final product will be free of any errors!

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

It’s amazing how many elements this game incorporates from previous Zelda games. This video in particular reminds me of the many islands of Wind Waker!


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