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This information comes from the latest issue of Game Informer…

– If Link’s hanging from a ledge and enemies are up above, they’ll try to step on his fingers to make him fall
– When enemies are knocked off of high ledges, they won’t “disappear” until they hit the ground
– Bokoblins that carry horns will use them to summon reinforcements
– When Link is on fire, if he tries to use a Bomb it will explode instantly
– If you’re running low on Bombs, you can pick up Bomb Flowers and add them to your Bomb Bag
– Zoom out from “The Sky” to a full world map
– Counter on the map is for the beacons you can place
– Green/red marks shows in the scan are the entry points to the forest and volcano areas


Side Note: The conference thing is tonight, so this may just get buried in the fray. I’ll just repost later, but I wanted to make sure it got up before Tuesday! Since I have more junk to post this week…

When most people hear the word “Reimagining”, they think of the failed attempts at bringing back franchises like Pac-Man, Frogger, Tomb Raider, and Sonic the Hedgehog over and over and over again, each time getting slightly excited at the prospect of having these games return to their glory days, and each time getting disappointed because, let be honest, they almost never do. Needless to say, when I went to play Atari’s upcoming Centipede: Infestation, I had pretty much made up my mind about the game and assumed I could’ve written my hands-on impressions in a split second with my eyes closed while I was asleep.

It would have gone something like this.

So when I got to the booth and my tour guide (weirdly also named “Austin”- I think Atari had been watching me sleep) brought me to the Wii version of Infestation, I put a smile on my face and braced myself for the worst. And of course, the one time I go to E3 and get to play a game like this, it actually isn’t all that shitty. Go figure.

Fast forward a few months and I find myself doing my first non-email interview with someone (this time over Skype!) with a wonderful guy over at Atari named Jonathan Moses, with whom I was set to talk all about this upcoming game. Of course, since I have the attention span of a rat, we ended up talking not only about Infestation, but about garden gnomes, development cycles, 3DS difficulties, and when we’d see Atari’s next home console. Though, we didn’t so much “talk” about a new console as “very briefly touch on it”, but I probably shouldn’t say more and just use that as a way to get people to read this unfairly.

I’m not a real journalist; I can do stuff like that.

We’re inside the one hour mark! By the end of the night, we’ll know about all of the 3DS announcements Nintendo has in store. Will new games be revealed? Will the Circle Pad accessory look less bulky than it appears now? Will a system revision be unveiled? We’ll find out the answers to these questions and more soon…

I’ll be posting a live-stream of the conference once we hit the thirty minute mark.

There isn’t really a whole lot of information reported from the Game Informer article at the moment. The images above do show the digging gloves, sky map, and Guardians from the Silent World which were revealed during E3. More content should come out tomorrow…


Nintendo President Satoru Iwata just tweeted this on the Nintendo of America Twitter account…

“#IwataSays just finished last rehearsal. Mr. Miyamoto making last min. changes just like when he’s making games. #3DSconf2011”

We’re very close! About an hour and a half away.


Suda51, the producer behind Contact, actually said around five years ago that a sequel to title would be made. We never saw anything of the sort, however.

At least we know that the game’s director has a great deal of interest in a follow-up. In a recent interview, Akira Ueda said “I hope that I can indeed release Contact 2 someday.”

Here’s his full response:

“Yes, I will. I’m always ready to work with him! But Suda-san always looks busy *laughs* As for my personal feelings in general towards a second game, I hope that I can indeed release Contact 2 someday. The world of Contact cannot be represented without the Professor and Mochi! Regardless of the business aspects of making a sequel, I think the world would be a better place if there was another Contact game in existence!”



Bring the fun and excitement of outdoor activities to the convenience of your living room!

Minneapolis, MN – September 12, 2011 – Cabela’s Adventure Camp is a thrilling motion-based game that delivers engaging, easy to learn gameplay with summer camp activities for everyone! You’ll feel the warmth of the summer sun and excitement in the air as you compete in many exciting camp related mini-games from biking to water sports. Cabela’s Adventure Camp is a captivating, wild ride that’s perfect for the whole family, young and old! This new title in the Cabela’s franchise will arrive this holiday season on November 1.

“We are thrilled to bring the fun and enjoyment of the outdoors to living rooms around the country as parents share the love of these traditionally outdoor activities with their kid,” said David Oxford, Executive Vice President of Activision Publishing. “We are excited to offer a family bonding experience in this motion-oriented, active participation, social gathering title!”

This comes from GameInformer’s month-long coverage of the game. You can find a higher-quality video with complete sound here.

Namco Bandai has wrapped up development on Tales of Xillia, which means it’s already time to think about the next title in the series. Whatever that project may be, we’ll be finding out about it very soon.

Namco Bandai has opened a new teaser page for the series, with a reveal set for the Tokyo Game Show. Details will be provided on the first day of the show.

You can find the site here.


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