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Man, I really think this looks incredible. Not everyone has been impressed, but I definitely am! I’d actually sign up for a Zelda Wii U game that looks exactly like this right now.

Everyone pretty much knew that Nintendo would share any launch related news for the Wii U. The console is at least a year away, so we won’t be getting any details until a few months before the system is ready to ship.

However, Satoru Iwata told Nikkei that Wii U won’t be sold at the Wii’s current price. Shocker, isn’t it? This means that the console will probably cost more than ¥20,000.

In other Iwata news, the Nintendo president indicated that the Wii won’t immediately disappear once the Wii U is out in stores, just like the 3DS and DS situation.


Oh boy… once Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D and Ocarina of Time 3D are released, it looks like we’re going to be in another drought again, although it’ll be better than the 3DS’ launch. I’m not noticing a whole lot of interesting software releasing in July/August other than Cave Story 3D and Devil Survivor Overclocked. On the bright side, Q4 is going to be packed with games including Kid Icarus: Uprising, Super Mario 3D, Mario Kart 3, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, Nano Assault, and more.

1. [3DS] Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
2. [3DS] One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP
3. [DS] Battle & Get – Pokemon Typing DS

4. [360] Phantom Breaker
5. [DS] Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 Professional
6. [PS3] Troy Warriors
7. [PSP] Akiba’s Trip
8. [Wii] Pandora’s Tower
9. [PS3] Nobunaga no Yabou: Tendou
10. [PSP] Patapon 3

This information comes from Shigeru Miyamoto…

“As we have been working on the Wii U hardware I have been thinking that it is the perfect system for Pikmin, so we are going to make it on that. Because we have been working on Pikmin on Wii for a while, maybe it won’t take too long for it to be finished.”

I could see Pikmin Wii U being a launch title at this point. Even though it wouldn’t be a system-seller like Mario, it’d be nice to finally see the plant creatures return and get some time in the spotlight. Besides, it’s been way too long since Pikmin 2 was released.



  • Pikmin 3
  • Smash Bros.
  • Lego City Stories
  • Darksiders II
  • Ninja Gaiden: Razor’s Edge
  • Batman: Arkham City
  • New Ubisoft FPS IP
  • New Ubisoft multi-sports family IP
  • Ghost Recon Online
  • Assassin’s Creed
  • Rabbids


  • Aliens: Colonial Marines (showreel – prototyped, considered)
  • Dirt (showreel)
  • Metro Last Light (showreel)
  • Tekken (showreel)
  • FIFA
  • Battlefield
  • Madden NFL


  • BioShock (Ken Levine was a talking head on video at Nintendo conference)
  • Zelda HD (one of the demos)
  • New Super Mario Bros. Mii (one of the demos)


  • Chase Mii
  • Shield Pose
  • Zelda HD
  • New Super Mario Bros. Mii
  • Battle Mii


Even though Nintendo’s conference is over, E3 hasn’t ended. In fact, it’s just begun! Expect a ton of additional news as well as previews and who knows what else throughout the day. Also, Nintendo is hosting a second roundtable later tonight for the Wii U, so you might want to tune in for that! It’ll kick off at 5:30 PM PDT / 8:30 PM EDT assuming it starts on time.

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