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Devil Survivor 2 opening

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, Videos | 0 comments

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!

It’s a safe guess, but one I am sure that Game Informer came up with on their own. December is a likely possibility for sure. I could see Mario Kart 3D and Skyward Sword ship in November and Super Mario 3D one month later.


Sunday Jog

A short animated film about two joggers who set our for a stroll on a beautiful Sunday morning. They are alarmed by what appears to be an earthquake – which quickly reveals itself to be much more.

Dinosaur Office

They’re dinosaurs. In an office. Rawr!

Captain America

Captain America: The First Avenger in which Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) volunteers for an experimental program that turns him into the super soldier known as Captain America.

What is Nintendo Video?

Watch this now!

For some strange reason, Nintendo Video wasn’t included in the afternoon 3DS update today. It’s up now, though, so good ahead and download it. It’s free, after all! The application itself is rather small – it’s only 42 blocks.

Out of nowhere comes a new Gremlin game for Wii and DS, scheduled for release on November 18. IGN says that a trailer for Gremlins Gizmo is hidden in a small booth at Comic-Con.

The video hinted that the title will be comprised of mini-games and virtual pet elements. Activities include singing, dancing, lifting weights and playing ping pong against a second player. Gremlins Gizmo will allow players to collect and customize Mogwais. Outfits such as pirate and ninja costumes will be available.

The trailer isn’t available just yet, nor is an official announcement. Hopefully both items will be published shortly.


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