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SilverStar’s is bringing a new downloadable title to the eShop. The company is working on an action puzzle title called Rabi Labi Gaiden Witch’s Cat (interesting name, right?), a new entry in the Rabi Labi franchise. SilverStar previously released a number of Rabi Labi titles for DSiWare. You can read up on the first details on the 3DS title below.

– Takes place in Wonder Land
– Wonder Land is ruled by witches
– Control Alicia
– Alicia is a cheshire cat
– Can transform into a human
– Goes on a journey to the human world
– Deal with numerous gimmicks and traps set by witches to escape
– 50 stages
– Make it to the door in each level
– Use Alicia’s four magics to advance
– Fire magic: Light candles, attack monsters and melt ice
– Ice magic: Freeze Alicia’s enemies and friends to make ice blocks
– Thunder magic: Pull blocks close to Alicia to form new stepping paths
– Meteor magic: Break a group of blocks
– Change Alicia into her original cheshire cat form
– Can ride a griffon
– A cap can transport Alicia
– Monsters, other cheshire cats, and gimmicks like blocks that shoot out arrows will get in your way
– Releasing in Japan on June 29
– ¥700


I’m not sure if it’s the lack of Wii games, but this actually looks halfway decent. I didn’t say much about it at E3 since there was just way too much to cover and more important games. In case you’re wondering, Go Vacation offers a ton of activities to take on and explore an open world. I doubt this will be one of the higher-quality Wii games we’ll see this year (though there won’t be much to choose from…), but it could be fun.

Generally, I don’t feel as though petitions work. Not enough fans support them and there’s a good chance that companies will flat out ignore the outcry from fans. But with North America facing a strong possibility of not receiving Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora’s Tower, now might be the best time to speak up.

A number of fans starting to participate in a project called “Operation Rainfall”. The objective is simple: write in to Nintendo of America in hopes of getting the trio of RPGs localized. You can read up on the whole idea on the IGN boards here and find letter templates to send in to Reggie Fils-Aime for all three titles. Additionally, a Twitter page can be found here and an official Blogspot website here.

I just can’t understand why the Big N’s North American division hasn’t said a peep about any of these games. They’re finished and Europe is at least getting Xenoblade. Why not bring that title here at least? Instead of launching games such as Mystery Case Files and Wii Motion: Plus – and I respect Nintendo for releasing them, by the way – why not take a chance on any of these outstanding RPGs? The hardcore gamer, frankly, hasn’t been treated to any interesting titles from Nintendo this year. Localizing these Japanese releases could really go a long way.

Thanks to Derek J for the tip!

3DS eShop charts (6/24)

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News | 0 comments


1. 3D Classics: Excitebike
2. The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
3. Super Mario Land
4. Donkey Kong
5. Plants vs. Zombies
6. Cave Story
7. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again!
8. Shantae: Risky’s Revenge
9. Photo Dojo
10. Alleyway
11. Anonymous Notes Chapter 1 – From the Abyss –
12. Anonymous Notes Chapter 2 – From the Abyss –
13. Tetris Party Live
14. Dr. Mario Express
15. Mario Clock
16. Dark Void Zero
17. Army Defender
18. Bomberman Blitz
19. Extreme Hangman
20. WarioWare: Snapped!


1. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again!
2. Rayman
3. Dragon’s Lair
4. Cave Story
5. Legends of Exidia
6. Shantae: Risky’s Revenge
7. Game & Watch: Donkey Kong Jr.
8. Dr. Mario Express
9. Bomberman Blitz
10. Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ
11. Game & Watch: Mario’s Cement Factory
12. Chronos Twins
13. Photo Dojo
14. Need for Speed Nitro-X
15. Dark Void Zero
16. Mario Calculator
17. Dragon Quest Wars
18. Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
19. Tetris Party Live
20. Army Defender

Although the Wii provided a considerable amount of hardcore experiences, there’s no denying that Nintendo was looking to appeal to more casual gamers. That’s why we saw experiences such as Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Party, and Wii Fit.

For Wii U, however, it seems that Nintendo understands the need to provide more of a hardcore experience. Speaking with EGM, Katsuya Eguchi said that for Wii, “core gamers felt that it wasn’t for them”. This time around, Nintendo would like “to bring core gamers back and create new gamers as well.”

“With the Wii, we wanted to bring in as many new users as possible and have them experience the games, but as a consequence, I think a lot of the core gamers felt that it wasn’t for them, and they started moving away. With the new console and the new controller, we definitely want to bring core gamers back and create new gamers as well. So, with the Wii U, we hope that the players who were introduced to gaming for the first time on the Wii will step it up and become core gamers themselves.”

Zelda: Ocarina of time 3D (3DS)
Star Fox 64 3D (3DS)
Kid Icarus Uprising (3DS)
Rhythm Heaven (Wii)

This is pretty typical of Nintendo. They generally attend this event to give Japanese gamers a chance to play their upcoming games. This year, though, they’re actually brought some product that hasn’t been released yet. Many fans in Japan will be able to play Star Fox 64 3D, Uprising, and Rhythm Heaven for the first time.


Kirby TV Channel trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

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