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One feature you won’t be seeing in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is StreetPass support. Nintendo confirmed earlier this week that there are no plans to use the function. Personally, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. I can’t really imagine many practical, enjoyable ways that StreetPass could be used in Ocarina of Time 3D.


Pandora’s Tower details

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

– Motion controls are optional
– Use the chain in the following ways:
Grab and pull flesh and items from beasts.
Restrain the beasts with the chain and then go in for the kill with another weapon.
Restrain one beast with the chain, then swing it around to strike other enemies.
Use the chain to latch on to walls and swing from location to location.
Use the chain to manipulate switches.
– Wiimote/nunchuck setup
– Classic Controller option available
– Wiimote/nunchuck option: Use the Wiimote like you would swing a chain in real life
– Exploration-style action RPG
– C rating from CERO


– Smooth 30 FPS
– Hyrule’s landscape has been improved
– Castle Town’s market now fully rendered
– No blurry pixelated pre-rendered bitmap in Castle Town
– Building exteriors have been remodeled including The Happy Mask Shop
– Improved water effects for Lake Hylia
– Perimeter lined with 3D trees instead of “tree walls”
– Fishing pond’s ground textured with a rocky surface, small waterfall added in the back
– Temple of Time’s interior has been furnished with an actual ceiling
– 2D backgrounds (such as when looking into Castle Town through the gate from outside) now are rendered 3D backdrops
– Windows gaze upon rendered landscapes
– Death Mountain is polygonal when viewing from Hyrule Field instead of a cardboard cutout
– Equip items to X and Y buttons
– Ocarina is in a spot in the lower-left corner of the touchscreen
– Can see the song list while playing the Ocarina
– Music is the same
– Master Quest confirmed


Pandora’s Tower boxart

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments

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