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Confirmed dates

3/11: Super Monkey Ball 3D (Sega)
3/17: Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell 3D (Ubisoft)
3/24: Dead or Alive Dimensions (Tecmo Koei)
3/24: Gundam The 3D Battle (Namco Bandai)
3/24: Rabbids Time Travel (Ubisoft)
3/31: BlazBlue Continuum Shift II (Arc System Works)
3/31: Pro Baseball Famisuta 2011 (Namco Bandai)

March timeframe

Asphalt 3D Nitro Racing (Konami)
Pro Baseball Spirits 2011 (Konami)
The Sims 3 (Electronic Arts)
Tsukurou Ponta no Gardens 3D (Electronic Arts)
Shanghai 3D Cube (Sunsoft)
Naruto Shippuuden (Takara Tomy)
Will Shooter XX (Dorasu)
Steel Diver (Nintendo)
Nikoli Puzzle (Hmaster)

Still no Zelda, but there is a new first-party title in Steel Diver. However, because Ocarina of Time 3D won’t be released in Japan until April at the earliest (based on this list), I’m beginning to wonder if there is any chance it’ll make the North American 3DS launch. We’ll find out next week.


Splinter Cell 3D will be released in Japan on March 20 for 5040 yen.

Thanks to Dannyxzero for the tip!


New Conduit 2 trailer

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

Thanks to Chestah for the tip!

Rabbids Time Travel will be released in Japan on March 17 for 5040 yen.

Thanks to Dannyxzero for the tip!


This information comes from Renegade Kid’s Jools Watsham…

“It looks like Maximilian will not be rising up to thwart the Mutant Mudds on DSiWare. This makes me sad. I really wanted to see it happen. One month after I put the call out, we have 452 comments from fine folks who want to see Maximilian and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds on DSiWare. Unfortunately, that is 548 votes short of where we need to be in order to start development of the title.”

I’m pretty bummed about this! Platformers are my favorite genre (it has some shooting and action elements as well), and Renegade Kid is a fantastic game developer. So I would have been interested in trying the game out. It’d be neat if the game ended up on 3DSWare somehow, though based on the lack of comments Renegade Kid received, I don’t think that is a possibility right now.


Thanks to Chestah for the tip!


JellyCar 2 – 299 blocks
Art of Balance (demo version) – 252 blocks
Soccer Bashi – 128 blocks

Virtual Console

Ghosts ‘n Goblins – 58
Exed Exes – 47


EJ Puzzles: Hooked – 95 blocks
Petz Catz Family – 95 blocks
Surfacer+ – 24 blocks

A Nintendo representative has commented on the status of The Last Story in western territories. VG247 was told that there are “no plans at present” to bring the game to North America and Europe. Although this isn’t the type of response fans would have hoped, it’d be best to take the news with a grain of salt. After all, I wouldn’t expect an announcement to come from a spokesperson. I’d say we should start panicking if nothing is said at this year’s E3.


Virtual Console
– Magical Drop III (NeoGeo, D4 Enterprise): 900 Wii Points

– Family Games Pen & Paper Edition (Icon Games): 500 Wii Points

– Surfacer + Dexterity + Strategy (Lexis): 500 DS Points
– Oscar in Toyland 2 (Virtual Playground): 500 DS Points
– Alien Puzzle Adventure (Mastertronic): 500 DS Points


– From Starfish SD
– Gyro-based tilt controls to control the rod
– Hold the 3DS like a fishing rod
– Snap your wrists to cast the rod
– Tilt the system to adjust the angle of the rod
– 3D used to give players a better feel for the distance between the lure and fish
– Exchange fish you catch for coins
– Use coins to purchase new rods and lure


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