LovePlus 3DS details
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
This information comes from producers Akari Uchida and Akihiro Ishihara…
“We want to make it into a benchmark-type title for the 3DS. I can’t say too much, but we want to make full use of the 3DS’s capabilities.” – Uchida
– Team is using different features that may not even seem to work well together, such as combining the 3D graphics and switching from horizontal and book-style holing modes
– “We’ve thought quite a bit if horizontal holding is truly good, or if we should give up on the 3D output and keep it in book mode. One part of the answer we came up with is in the promotion movie.” – Ishihara
– Many hints in the teaser trailer released
– Team is trying to find a way to import data
– Asking for Nintendo’s help on the above
– Making the game so that players will want to start the game from the friendship part of the relationship, even if data can be imported
– Taking the form of “recollection”
– “Because the expressive ability has increased, we’d like players to enjoy themselves like they watch a movie remake. Also, we think it might be nice if we could include some ‘what if’ elements. It would be interesting if you could go back in time and enjoy different developments.” – Uchida
– “Recollection” an important part of the game
– “One of the concepts of Love Plus for Nintendo 3DS is ‘fall in love again with your girlfriend.’ We’re considering what can be done to make players fall in love with their girlfriend again after they’ve imported their data.”
– Main reason for focusing on recollections is so that the player feels “I love my girlfriend the most at this very moment” even after they’ve been going out together for two or three years
– “When you’re in a lengthy relationship, it’s unavoidable that you’ll forget the feelings you had at the beginning. But we’re taking various measures to make you remember those feelings once again. This is something that can be done because this is a game.” – Ishihara
– Want to improve on the game’s story
– Will focus on previously untouched areas, may see a new side of the girlfriends
– There will be “major changes” but nothing was said specifically
– “Because this is a major version up, we’re looking at it thoroughly and making changes to almost all areas. We’re taking it up a level. When we’ve reached the point where we can share information, we’re certain you will be surprised.” – Ishihara
– “This is just an idea right now, but we think it would be nice if the game could recognize not just your face but your friends faces too, and you’d be able to introduce them to your girlfriend.” – Uchida
– “There would surely be people who would introduce their girlfriend to their parents.” – Ishihara
– Difficulty with voice recognition because it’s dependent on hardware
– Team will be trying “different solutions” for voice recognition
– Improvements in sound quality and other areas
– Voice content alone could be about 60 hours
– “Regarding the data for graphics and sound, the thing boyfriends most want, we’ll definitely be upping the quality. As a result, the memory will likely be filled up.” – Uchida
– Uchida wants players outside of major cities to consider themselves lucky this time, unlike with LovePlus+, in which it was necessary to live in a big city to take advantage of Tag Mode/DS Station downloads
– May use StreetPass, though the team only heard about the feature recently
– “Regarding networking, we’re aiming to be at the forefront of all third parties, and maybe even first party as well. We may end up being the first to use a number of the services. With this meaning, we’re placing a big focus on wireless functionality.” – Ishihara
– DLC could be included with the network functionality
– Uchida joked that people would get mad if they made it paid DLC
– No match making will be included for network features (most likely means no girlfriend fighting)
– Not removing any of the girls
– Not putting in girlish looking boys
– Won’t chase after the girlfriends’ moms
– Jokingly: “I’d like to make Mama Plus at some point. Rinko’s mom is also quite lovely.” – Uchida
Japanese VC releases for November
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Mario Party 2 (Nintendo, Nintendo 64, 1,000 WiiPoints) – November 2
Bishojo Janshi Suchie-Pai (Jaleco, Super Famicom, 800WP)
Chougenjin / Super Bonk (Hudson, Super Famicom, 800WP)
Makaimura / Ghosts ‘n Goblins (Capcom, Arcade, 800WP)
– Can see avatars of other 3DS owners that have communicated with your system
– See the person’s screen name (unclear if this is a system-wide name that will be used)
– Last game the person has played also available
– Look at the last time communication occurred between the both of you
– See how many times the two systems have communicated in total
– Turn on/off features based on privacy the 3DS owner wants
Photos from Nintendo’s Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies Halloween Slumber Party
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments
In this photograph taken by AP Images for Nintendo of America, Isabella R., 12, of Los Angeles and Amara E., 10 of Woodland Hills enjoy playing DRAGON QUEST IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies at a Halloween slumber party in Los Angeles on Friday, Oct. 29, 2010. The slumber party gave girls a chance to play the Nintendo DS game, which has attracted players of all ages and backgrounds since it launched in July 2010. (Casey Rodgers/AP Images for Nintendo of America)
In this photograph taken by AP Images for Nintendo of America, Jocelyn G., age 11, of Los Angeles, seen front, and friends enjoy a special Halloween slumber party in Los Angeles on Friday, Oct. 29, 2010. The party gave girls a chance to play DRAGON QUEST IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies for the Nintendo DS family of systems, which has attracted fans of all ages and backgrounds since it launched in July 2010. (Casey Rodgers / AP Images for Nintendo of America)
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon footage
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 1 Comment
Microsoft: Kinect will outsell Wii launch
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 8 Comments
“We haven’t given any projections beyond this holiday, but this will be the largest launch we’ve ever had as a business. We’ll definitely sell more sensors than the Wii sold when it launched or the Xbox 360 sold when it launched.” – Microsoft’s Aaron Greenberg
I honestly cannot see Kinect selling as much as the 360 at launch, much less besting the Wii’s launch numbers. There hasn’t been nearly as much advertising for Kinect as there was for Wii, the install base of the 360 is smaller than the Wii’s, and I don’t think the casual market will latch onto Kinect as quickly as Microsoft thinks they will. Ah well.. I hope it does well for them, but I don’t think it’ll top what they think it will.
Golden Joysticks 2010 winners
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 2 Comments
Action game of the year: Assassin’s Creed II
Game On Shooter of the year: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Racing game of the year: Forza Motorsport 3
RPG of the year: Mass Effect 2
Puzzle game of the year: World of Goo
Fighting game of the year: Super Street Fighter 4
Sports game of the year: FIFA 10
Strategy game of the year: Plants vs. Zombies
Music game of the year: Guitar Hero 5
Online game of the year: League of Legends
Downloadable game of the year: Plants vs. Zombies
Portable game of the year: Pokemon Heart Gold/ Soul Silver
Soundtrack of the year: Final Fantasy XIII
One to watch: Call of Duty: Black Ops
UK Developer of the year: Jagex
Ultimate game of the year: Mass Effect 2
Iwata’s 3DS sampling event announcement video, mixed with a bit of nintendogs + cats footage
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 6 Comments
I doubt that many of you will be able to understand what Iwata is saying, but at least you can watch the small snippet of nintendogs + cats footage!