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A new studio founded by industry veterans from companies such as Capcom and Sega was formally announced today, stating that it was a Wii-focused studio in “stealth development” on a new family-friendly Wii game.

“Judobaby is committed to creating a line of fun, humorous, ‘pick-up & play’ products to entertain the entire family. Our focus is on providing top quality entertainment that brings the whole family together through gaming experiences that have yet to be offered.” – Company CEO Dan Mueller

Other notable people involved include art director Ben Harrison (Crystal Dynamics, Sony Computer Entertainment), Richard Anderson (Sony Computer Entertainment, Capcom), and David Ralston (EA, Blueshift, Capcom, Studio 8). Best of luck to the new studio on their game!


Yup, it’s the truth. According to the Wii has a total of 76 games that have sold over 1 million copies, 22 of which are first-party and the remaining 54 third-party. I’m not sure how impressed to be with this, as I can guarantee that a good chunk of these games are “Carnival Games” or “Just Dance” style, but either way, good for Wii.

Additionally, it was revealed that Wii’s fastest selling game to date is New Super Mario Bros., with just under 12 million in about 3 months.

We posted the significant parts of this interview below, but you can check out the full discussion with Cammie Dunaway below…


“I think the biggest misconception may be that it’s only for expanded audiences. And I think that you see all kinds of people enjoying experiences on the Wii. And, certainly, whether it’s third-party games like Madden, like Guitar Hero, or whether it’s first-party games like New Super Mario Bros., there really is something for everyone to enjoy on the Wii.” – Cammie Dunaway

I always scratch my head when gamers say that there aren’t enough hardcore games for Wii. Sure, many companies produce casual software, but I feel like there’s enough titles for the core. Starting next month, there will be at least one “triple A” title to purchase up to June.


“I don’t think it’ll be any time soon because even though our install base is, at this point, five million households larger than the PS2 install base was at the same point in its lifecycle, it still has a lot of room to grow. If you think PS2, there’s been about 50 million sold, Wii close to 28 million sold. So that says to me that there’s still a big audience out there that we can access with the Wii That being said, part of Nintendo’s heritage is to always be looking at innovation and to start working on the next hardware as soon as we launch a platform. So we’ll have it ready when we think the time is right.” – Cammie Dunaway

I think it would be a bit odd if Nintendo were to release a Wii successor in the near future. The DS is still going strong after more than five years in the market. It feels like the Wii has been out for awhile, but the console was only released a little more than three years ago.


Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing, shows off the Nintendo DSi XL at Nintendo’s Q1 Media Summit. The latest iteration of the record-breaking Nintendo DS is set to launch in the U.S. on March 28, 2010.

During Nintendo’s Q1 Media Summit, an attendee strikes a pose to create a character for Photo Dojo, a downloadable game for Nintendo DSiWare that literally puts players right into the action.

Attendees at Nintendo’s Q1 Media Summit enjoy demonstrations of some of the Wii system’s most highly-anticipated titles such as Super Meat Boy by Team Meat for WiiWare.

24th February 2010 – This time last year, the crazy kids at SEGA Australia pulled out a whiteboard, wrote some words on it, head-butted some brick walls, wrote some more words… and came up with The Bang Bang Box!!! To mark the anniversary of this epic day, those same special minds have created a new box-o-fun. A trigger-tapping triple-barrel terrorfest, we like to call WELCOME TO VIOLENCE. This pack features three of the most controversial adult games available on the Wii – Madworld, The Conduit and The House of the Dead: OVERKILL – for only $109.95!! Available on the 11th March 2010.


Monster Hunter Tri – April 23
WarioWare: D.I.Y. (and Showcase) – April 30
Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies – May 7
Super Mario Galaxy 2 – June 11
Photo Dojo – Spring 2010
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Sky – Summer 2010
FlingSmash – Summer 2010
Metroid: Other M – Q3 2010

– Yoshi can eat enemies, flutterjump, eat blimp berries to inflate/float (hold A button), Dash Peppers make him go faster
– Side-challenges for more stars
– Game has some throwback music from games like Super Mario World
– Again, game will have orchestrated music
– Sky Station Galaxy, Spin-Dig Galaxy, Hightail Falls Galaxy, Tall Trunk Galaxy, Upside Dizzy Galaxy, Bowser Jr’s Fiery Flotilla, Supermassive Galaxy, Bowser Jr.’s Fearsome Fleet, and Flip-Swap Galaxy confirmed
– A lot of earthy backdrops
– Huge enemies in Supermassive Galaxy
– Flip-Swap Galaxy has a timed purple-coined challenge
– 60 FPS

Source, a few more details here

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