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Flight Control trailer

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

Flight Control screenshots

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in DS, News | 0 comments

– Platformer
– Rooted in origins of historical/geographical nature
– Main character is a hunter who is going on a person expedition
– Log book keeps track of his adventures/progress
– “Really big” areas in scope
– Many enemies, mazes
– Buy new equipment with money
– Can’t visit some areas in the game without certain upgrades
– 3 skill levels
– 8 hours of gameplay


Quiz Magic Academy DS ~Futatsu no Jikuuseki~ (DS) – 24k (32%)
Sacred 2 (PS3) – 19k (83%)
Zangeki no Reginleiv (Wii) – 17k (52%)
Tennis no Oujisama ~More Sweet Edition~ (DS) – 16k (65%)

Sacred 2 (360) – 15k (87%)
Dragon Ball DS 2 (DS) – 11k (17%)
Lupin the 3rd: Shijou Saidai no Tounousen (DS) – 7k (40%)

SOCOM Portable (PSP) – 5k (36%)
Madworld (Wii) – 5k (25%)

There hasn’t been a first day sales leak in awhile, and I can’t confirm that these numbers are 100% correct. None of them are too surprising, though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they were the real deal.


[PS3] MAG ~150K
[PS3] Darksiders ~130K
[360] Bayonetta ~100K
[PS3] Bayonetta ~60K
[Wii] Tatsunoko vs. Capcom ~50K
[Wii] No More Heroes 2 ~25K

[All] Dark Void – 22K

These figures are not confirmed, but they do look like they are fairly accurate. EEDAR recently shared the news that No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle sold about 30,000 units in its first week. Based on the official data released by the NPD as well as the top 20 rankings we posted today, the numbers above don’t seem to be too far off. If they are true, I think that most Wii owners would agree that Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is off to a pretty good start.

Thanks to David S for the news tip!


– Takes place after Sands of Time
– Prince visits a neighboring kingdom, which is ruled by his brother, Malik
– Prince recognizes similar mistakes between him and his brother
– Razia accompanies the Prince
– Razia can control elements/magic
– Powers:
Air – Perform an air dash to reach platforms, swirl winds
Earth – Fix a pillar so that you can climb it
Water – Can freeze water
– Wii version isn’t a port, built ground up for Wii, 60 FPS
– Sang Ring: Creates handhold on a wall (point the Wiimote and press B), but can only do it one at a time
– “Things get considerably more complex when you have to use multiple sand powers in concert.”
– Faint blue light will show you the Prince’s reach and if he will be able to jump (for platforming sections)
– No rewind to fix mistakes
– Super Mario Galaxy-like co-op
– Wii combat controls: Swing sword with Wiimote flick, nunchuck flick to punch, use buttons to block, roll, etc.


“Right now we are working on a title that could end up on the Wii, but it is too early to say for sure.” – artistic design of Max and The Magic Marker, Lasse Outzen

I was just talking WiiWare games lately in our last post, and Max and The Magic Marker looks like it’ll fall into the category of must-play WiiWare titles. I’d definitely love to see Press Play bring their next project to Wii.

Thanks to Klingon for the news tip!


“The game is finished, and for various reasons, not yet released. We’ve wanted to compensate the delay with improved graphics and extra contents. It goes on sale in Europe, USA and Japan at least in March 2010. The date isn’t clear yet because it’s no longer up to us.” – Jose Manuel from Akaoni Studio

Zombie Panic in Wonderland is one WiiWare game in particular I’ve been looking forward to. WiiWare in general has actually been pretty great the past few months and it looks like there are other great titles on the way.

Thanks to NintenDaan for the news tip!


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