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3DS eShop

Terra Incognita has a shot of landing on Wii U. The game’s developer has confirmed that a version will be made for Nintendo’s console if its Kickstarter campaign reaches £3500.

The total currently stands at just over £2600. That means another £900 is needed within the next 15 hours for a Wii U version of Terra Incognita to happen.

Source, Via

3DS owners will be able to get their hands on Mega Man 3 on March 14. The game will be available through the eShop. Mega Man 4, 5, and 6 will launch in April, May, and June respectively.

Capcom says the following when it comes to Mega Man’s 25th anniversary:

There are also a few other items we’re cooking up that aren’t quite ready to be revealed, either because the deals aren’t done or we don’t have something specific to show. But the moment we do, it’ll be right here.

Our Western efforts for MM25 continue all year. There will be more.


Circle Entertainment plans to bring RPG Ash – a very-well received title that originally launched for iOS – to the 3DS eShop. It’ll feature new art and may take advantage of the system’s features. Look out for the game sometime in Q3/Q4.


Are you a part of the 3DS Ambassador program? Then you may wish to head to the eShop for a Wrecking Crew update. The new version was made available earlier today as part of Wrecking Crew’s official launch on the store.

Note that the update isn’t included in the official list. You’ll need to search for it manually by visiting the “Your Downloads” section of the eShop.

Applying the update doesn’t bring along any massive changes. However, it does introduce proper save states.

Capcom has set a new record for the amount of blocks taken up by a 3DS retail game. Downloading Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will require a whopping 14,275 blocks on an SD card. That should be more than any other 3DS retail game, surpassing Style Savvy’s 10,500 block amount.

According to Capcom, the 3DS version of Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate comes in at 1.74GB. The Wii U version is 6.07GB.


If you’re planning on purchasing the digital version of Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, you may need to free up some space on an SD card. The game will take up 6,748 blocks – not as large as other retail titles, but still significant.

Of course, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon will also be available as a retail release.


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

3DS download

Kersploosh! – $2.99
ATV Wild Ride 3D – $7.99
Nano Assault EX – $14.99

3DS demo

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

3DS sale

Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword – $4.99

3DS retail

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D – $19.99
Monster High: Skultimate Roller Maze (available March 13)


Wrecking Crew

Wii VC

The King of Fighters ’98

Source: Nintendo PR

With HarmoKnight’s overseas launch on the horizon, Nintendo has posted an English translation of the game’s “Iwata Asks”. Hit up this link for lots of juicy development details, notes about GameFreak overall, and more. It’s an interesting read!


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