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3DS eShop

Shin’en announced earlier this week that Nano Assault EX would launch on the European 3DS eShop this Thursday. Today, the studio confirmed the same outcome for North America. EX will be available both digital stores tomorrow.

A tweet from Shin’en reads:

Challenger will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Famicom download on March 13 for 500 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:


Downloadable Titles
Azito 3D Osaka – 500 yen
@Simple DL Series Vol. 8 The Uwaki Kareshi – Uwaki no Daish? – 300 yen
Arc Style: Happy Ocean – 500 yen
Mansion Percussion – 500 yen
Pretty Rhythm – My Deco-Rainbow Wedding Demo – FREE
Doraemon Nobita no Himitsu D?ga Hakubutsukan (retail title) – 4,700 yen (from 03/07)

Virtual Console
Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri D?ch? (Famicom) – 500 yen
Nekketsu K?k? Dodgeball-bu (Super Dodge Ball, Famicom) – 500 yen

Wii U


Video Content

Wii Karaoke U promo
10-minute Super Robot Wars UX video
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacies preview video
Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon commercials
Gameplay footage for Nano Assault Neo, Mansion Percussion, Simple DL Series Vol. 8, Azito 3D Osaka, and Arc Style: Happy Ocean
New Super Mario Bros. U Super Play videos


It’s like Wave Race, only on dirt. And with less color. And fewer dolphins.

Author: Austin

The last time the gaming industry saw a truly decent entry in the “X-treme” sports genre was probably well before the launch of the last generation of consoles. Every once in a while a snowboarding game or a skating game will crop up, re-enthuse folks for a few months, and then disappear as quietly as it came (2007’s Skate, anyone?). There seems to be a perpetual cycle with such games that cannot be broken, and more often than not it’s due to the fact that they rely more on appealing to the “skater” aesthetic than having good platforming (such is what brought the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater series so much acclaim) or solid racing mechanics (such as Wave Race 64).

So here comes Mutant Mudds and Dementium developer Renegade Kid, trodding up to our virtual eShop doorsteps with their own attempt to succeed within the confines of a genre that had its heyday in the early to mid-2000s. When you first see a screenshot or watch a trailer for ATV Wild Ride 3D, it looks and sounds– certainly to its detriment– like everything you’ve ever seen before. Fast paced alternative rock, lots of overly-enthused voice effects, plenty of dirt, and “massive air” are all staples of a game presenting itself in this somewhat-dated genre, but in the case of this Renegade Kid racer, bland first impressions have proven to be all but incorrect after spending some time with the game:

Wild Ride is, thankfully, neither bland nor dated.

Update: Kerploosh! takes up roughly 200 blocks on an SD card.

Nintendo’s latest 3DS downloadable game, Kersploosh! will cost just $3 at launch. System owners can purchase the title starting on Thursday.

There’s a pretty good reason that Kersploosh! costs $3: it’s a bit light on content. Most players will probably be able to complete everything the game has to offer in a single play session.


Capcom has announced that it will be releasing Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D on the North American 3DS eShop later this week. The game will be available digitally on March 7 for $19.99.

A European release for the eShop hasn’t been confirmed, though is likely planned for the near future.


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