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pokemon x/y x and y

“Usually whenever we near the end of a project I feel like I’ve done all I can. I’m out of ideas and I think: ‘this could be my last game’. But when the game is released and I start to see how people play, I find new ideas for game features and challenges. It’s a cycle: running out of energy towards the end of a project, resting and recuperating and then feeling energized to get back into a new game.”

– Pokémon series producer Junichi Masuda

Masuda also spoke on a whole bunch of other topics in his interview with The Guardian. Check it out at the link below.

The Guardian via ONM

It’s common knowledge that Nintendo was considering two Zelda games for the 3DS following Ocarina of Time 3D. First, there was the possibility of doing something new with A Link to the Past. Nintendo’s other idea was to remake Majora’s Mask.

We now know that the first idea was chosen, as Nintendo will be coming out with Zelda: A Link Between Worlds next month – a sequel to A Link to the Past. But what about that Majora’s Mask remake? Or even something new that ties into the N64 title?

Eiji Aonuma was once again asked to “make Majora’s Mask” during the fan portion of his speaking session at New York Comic Con today, and gave a rather cryptic response. While we don’t have the direct quote, IGN’s Jose Otero did relay his general comment:

“One of the more interesting things that he indicated though at the end during the fan questions, someone asked him about Majora’s Mask… he basically said finish this game and that may answer your question.”

That’s pretty darn interesting, don’t you think? Now the question is, do his words imply that there could potentially be news about a remake? Or something entirely new with Majora’s Mask? Since the full question/answer isn’t available, it’s a bit ambiguous. We’re not sure if he was specifically asked about Majora’s Mask 3D or something brand new, like a sequel.


Pokemon X and Pokemon Y are officially launching in just a matter of hours. But before that happens, we have one final spoiler-filled post to make. New images show a batch of new Mega Evolutions (last gallery page, ones in direct-feed), story segments relating to legendary Pokemon, and more.

As usual, we’re posting the gallery after the break. It goes without saying that some may feel this is spoiler-sensitive material, so tread carefully.


Sales of Pokemon X/Y prior to the games’ official release date have been an obvious problem. A few stores in the US were spotted selling copies several days ago, and most retailers in the UK are now getting involved as well.

As far as Brazil is concerned, any store caught selling copies prior to tomorrow will face repercussions. Nintendo has warned retailers in the country that any copies of Pokemon X/Y sold prior to tomorrow will result in the withholding of future product shipments until after their official release date. That means such stores wouldn’t be able to sell consumers the latest Nintendo games at launch. A harsh punishment, but one that’s necessary.

Source, Via

Can’t wait the few extra hours to receive your copy of Pokemon X/Y? No worries – GameStop has you covered. Various locations across the US will be holding a midnight launch for the newest Pokemon release. You can check to see if a store near you is holding a midnight launch here.

Eiji Aonuma is currently in the process of hosting his “speaking session” at the New York Comic-Con. We’re rounding up details from the event below, courtesy of tweets from IGN’s Jose Otero and Nintendo of America.

– Talking about #WindWaker HD. Mr. Aonuma wants to thank fans for their amazing submissions to the WindWaker Fan Art Contest.
– Zelda: A Link Between finished roughly a week ago
– Item shop. You’re able to rent all of the items from the start of the game. Buying them costs a lot of money.
– Item show is at Link’s old house. Or at least it looked that way.
– Link traveled to “lower world” and back. Showed a new collectible called a Maimai.
– Bottom screen zooms in on map. Returning Maimai’s to the Mother Mainai upgrades your items. Upgraded bow fires three arrows at once.
– Smaller dungeons that house treasure can be found as well as standard dungeons.
– Rupees are easier to find in this Zelda and in bigger amounts. Smaller dungeon at the end had a Silver rupee worth 100.
– Mr. Aonuma is talking about new features like the item rental system, free-flowing dungeons and wall merge.
– Aonuma is now going into inspiration and early development. Showing an original bitmap from ALttP.
– Mr. Aonuma is showing fans some prototype maps and screenshots as he discusses the making of a 3D top down #Zelda game.

– “Lower world” equals Lorule. And it has it’s own princess named Hilda.
– Yuga is the name of the enemy in the trailer that turned people into paintings.
– Something related to Majora’s Mask is in ALBW.

Source 1, Source 2

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