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Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 0 comments


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I’m not playing the console’s requiem, but we all know Wii U needs help.
Can Nintendo find it in their 3DS playbook?

Author: Austin

It was a curious thing when 3DS launched. Nintendo pushed to get the handheld out within their 2010 fiscal year for the sake of pleasing their impatient investors, and as a result, the stereoscopic system squeezed through the closing gates of time onto an open market in the middle of March with no system-selling games, unfinished firmware, and a beefy $250 pricetag. It was a mistake– a huge mistake, even– and one that Nintendo quickly learned from.

And then, in holiday 2012, it turned out that they didn’t learn from it. Although backed up by a slightly more reconcilable lineup of games, Nintendo’s follow-up to the Wii– the poorly named “Wii U”– seemed to saunter slowly through the extravagant launch gates with its face obscured by confusing a marketing strategy, before tripping on its own lack of feet and face-planting into the mud. It, much like 3DS, didn’t have any truly exciting pieces of software, its operating system was unfinished, and its price point largely unjustifiable due to those things. Perhaps in order to capitalize on the situation, Nintendo delayed all of their worthwhile launch window titles into the second half of 2013. Which certainly didn’t help matters.

Given all of the parallels between 3DS and Wii U, it’s only natural that we ask the question: Can Nintendo save Wii U using the same strategies that saved 3DS?

It’s not a simple question by any means, so let’s take a look at what’s there to consider.

Gaist Crusher has been dated for Japan. The game will be available on December 5 for 4,990 yen. Capcom will also release a bundle for 5,990 yen containing the game, the special accessory we covered earlier today, and a Dark costume/gear.

Famitsu published a new feature on Super Sonico in Production, which contains a few new details. We’ve translated the information below.

– Players act as the idol girl’s producer
– Manage her schedule and communicate with her
– Live concerts, bikini modeling, and the challenge of doing so much work, you’ll have to keep yourself busy if you want to be successful
– Supervised by Nitroplus
– Georide will be in charge of song and music production
– A lot of the Georide staff joined because they are such huge fans of the series
– On various stages and in many costumes, your job is to get Sonico to dance and sing at live concerts
– Famous music as well as completely original songs
– Another aspect has Sonico wearing different outfits while you aim and take the best pictures in 2D and 3D
– Can save images to an SD card

Speaking with GameTrailers, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies producer Motohide Eshiro spoke about the series’ future. No need to worry, Ace Attorney fans – the series will likely continue sometime in the future.

Eshiro noted that he personally doesn’t want the franchise to end with Dual Destinies, and even though he isn’t sure where it will go next, “I highly doubt this will be the end of Ace Attorney and Phoenix Wright.”

He said:

“I can tell you that once it’s out there and once we see what people think, we’ll have a good idea on what direction to go in next. I personally love the Ace Attorney universe. I don’t want it to end, I don’t think it will end with this. Exactly what shape it will take remains to be seen. Can’t talk too much about that now, but I highly doubt this will be the end of Ace Attorney and Phoenix Wright.”

Source, Via

Update: You can also get a red/black 3DS XL for $169.99 or a red/black 3DS XL with a 16GB SD card for $179.99.

Nintendo opened up a section on its webstore for refurbished 3DS and DSi products back in April. Starting today, consumers can now pick up a refurbished 3DS XL as well.

The blue/black 3DS XL is currently available for a limited introductory price of $169.99. Once this period expires, it’ll go up to $179.99. 3DS XL systems are typically priced at $200 (and there are sales quite often), so I can’t say you’ll be saving too much.

In any case, you can find more details and place an order for the refurbished 3DS XL here.

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies moved 250,216 copies in its first week in Japan based on Media Create data. The sales tracker now reports that Capcom’s game saw a sell-through rate of 65.75 percent. Not too shabby!


For the upcoming Japanese release of Gaist Crusher, Capcom is working on a special 3DS accessory – shown in the photos above. The cover allows for “Gai Metals” to be attached to the 3DS, providing special in-game gear.

Players won’t have to buy any of these accessories to play through the entire game. But with Capcom particularly targeting kids with Gaist Crusher, there could be a lot of money to be made here.


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