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Namco Bandai has opened the teaser site for Digimon World Re: Digitize Decode. That’s a mouthful, isn’t it?

As is generally the case with teasers, there isn’t much to see at the moment. Keep it bookmarked for future updates.

Digimon World Re: Digitize Decode will be hitting the 3DS in Japan later this year.

Capcom is preparing a new release of its Resident Evil 3DS games for Japan. Next month, the company will publish “Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D & Revelations Value Pack”. It’ll go on sale on March 22. Pricing is set at 6,990 yen.


New Guild02 footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

New Youkai Watch footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Capcom is releasing an update for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate today that will allow users to play the 3DS title online. You’ll need a couple of items in order to take advantage of the new functionality: a Wii U and a wired connection (LAN adapter). This will be limited to one person per Wii U.


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