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This month’s EDGE review scores are as follows:

Planetside 2 – 8
DmC Devil May Cry – 8
The Walking Dead – 8
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch – 8
Ace of Spades – 4
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward – 7
Uncharted: Fight for Fortune – 5
Aero Porter – 7
QatQi – 8

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Nintendo has posted another round of character art and details from Fire Emblem: Awakening. The latest information covers Miriel and Vaike. A rundown of each character is below, along with art.


Miriel from Fire Emblem Awakening is a Shepherd who adores her research and obsesses over her studies. She’s quiet and organized but can be tough towards people who are careless.


A Shepherd who considers himself Chrom’s rival, Vaike has a loud personality and more confidence than his ability warrants.


Capcom is continuing to highlight creatures from Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. The latest, Plesioth, is a Piscine Wyvern in the game.

Plesioth screenshots and details are posted below, straight from Capcom-Unity.

The Fire Emblem: Awakening 3DS bundle is in fact coming to North America. NOA tweeted a confirmation earlier today.

A high-quality photo shows that the package will come with a special 3DS system and Awakening pre-installed.

Nintendo of America wrote on Twitter:


3DS piracy has started to become a hot topic as of late. With rumors circulating that hackers are coming to close to breaking the system open, such a result could impact the market significantly.

Piracy was a monstrous problem on the DS. It eventually became so troublesome that publishers were hesitant to release games for the portable, and would sometimes pass on titles completely – like original IP.

DreamRift co-founder Peter Ong discussed the negative impacts of DS piracy on both his studio and publishers’ mindsets while speaking with Gamasutra:

The scans don’t contain any new screenshots, but we do get another new look at the legendary Pokemon Xerneas and Yveltal.

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