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Azito 3D Kyoto trailer

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

A new, juicy interview with Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has gone live. It’s actually so juicy that I couldn’t possibly cram all of the quotes into a title of reasonable length!

Reggie opened up  about how Nintendo isn’t rushing Wii U due to the poor performance of any of its other systems and the success of the console will be compared to Wii. He also delved into the Wii U’s account system, marketing challenge for casual players, how the Wii U’s launch information will be partially determined by E3 feedback, non-concern over the power of other next-gen consoles, and Nintendo’s approach for third-party support.


Like always, we’ve posted all of Reggie’s comments for you below.

Kokuga will be released in Japan on September 27 for 5,040 yen.

Who’s up for another interview with Shigeru Miyamoto? The latest discussion has the legendary game designer talking about how Wii U can change games, what the console’s message is, the differences in making Wii U and 3DS/DS games,  Miyamoto’s hobbies leading to new game ideas, and his small teams/future projects.

Head past the break for a full transcript of the Q&A.

TwinBee Da!! will be hitting the Japanese eShop as a Game Boy download on June 20 for 400 yen. Screenshots of the game can be found above.


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