First My Garden screenshots/art
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 6 Comments
Electronic Arts seeds the ground for My Garden in 3-D (3DS launch title)
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
New Gardening Game to Blossom on Nintendo 3DS
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – September 15, 2010 – The EA Play Label of Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced My Garden* (working title) for the Nintendo 3DSTM, a new title in development that will allow players to create custom gardens in a variety of unique and beautiful environments. Optimized for the coming 3-D platform, My Garden* will offer graphics that bring flowers to life in a vibrant and realistic manner. Digital gardeners will get to choose from hundreds of flower and plant varieties as well as unique items to design, cultivate and enhance landscapes. My Garden* is scheduled to be unveiled at EA’s Tokyo Game Showcase on September 15, 2010.
“With My Garden*, our aim was simple: to make something beautiful that comes to life on the Nintendo 3DS like no other platform,” said Rod Humble, Executive Vice President of the EA Play Label. “We hope to offer a game that’s so immersive that it truly brings the delight of owning a garden to life through a visually stunning 3D experience.”
Rumor: Paper Mario 3DS heading to Japan this year
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS | 12 Comments
Ah yes… Another rumor about the 3DS. This time, though, the speculation is game-related. An article from Asahi Shinbun has apparently surfaced today, which claims Paper Mario 3DS will arrive this year in Japan. Of course, that would also mean that the system itself will be released in Nintendo’s home territory before the end of 2010 as well.
Meanwhile, a number of signs that have popped up over the past several weeks have indicated that the 3DS will be out in Japan before year’s end. Most recently, a now ex-employee from Keys Factory wrote on his Twitter account – which has since been closed – that the portable will hit store shelves on November 20 – although a spokesperson said that the company has yet to be informed of its official release date.
Geist, Winter technically possible on 3DS according to n-Space
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 1 Comment
Ted Newman, creative director at n-Space, was first asked if Winter could be technically possible on the 3DS…
“Yes, absolutely. The 3DS is really powerful, just going beyond the 3D screen side of it — what it can do in terms of pushing polygons and using advanced texture shaders. It’s really no secret how strong of a system it is. Everything we did with the Wii demo of Winter would absolutely work on that system. And there’s a lot more you can do, especially with a game like that, a survival-horror game in 3D. I mean, I can think of 10 ideas off the top off my head right now.”
Newman later was asked if it would be difficult to transfer Geist to the 3DS…
“No, because there’s a lot of similarities between the systems [GameCube and 3DS] in terms of bringing one engine over to work on the 3DS. You know, if Nintendo was interested in getting a Geist game on 3DS, it’s certainly doable. As a fan of Geist and as someone who worked on it for three-and-a-half years, I’d love to see it. I love the whole mechanic, and I love that whole universe.”
Last but not least, Newman talked about the 3DS in general…
“Everything I saw at E3, I was completely impressed with. I really can’t think of anything that I thought was a shortcoming. I can understand people wanting dual analogs. I’m trying to think of how that would actually feel with the system — that plus the D-pad. But anyway, back to your question: I totally believe in [Nintendo’s] knowledge of hardware, and as the [3DS] evolves to the point where it’s ready to release, [Nintendo] is going to solve whatever problems it needs to solve. [3DS] is going to be incredible.”
Obviously, we’ve known for awhile that the 3DS will be a much stronger system than the DS. But lately we’ve been hearing some very positive opinions from developers that it truly is a very powerful handheld in general. I’ve never been focused on graphics or system specs too much, though I have to say I’m quite interested to see what kind of technology is behind the 3DS – at the moment, we only know a few details. Come September 29, I’m sure we’ll find out a lot more about the portable.
More graphical details about Resident Evil: Revelations, quotes from Takeuchi
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
– 30 FPS when 3D being used
– Motion blur actually being tested
– Team trying to see if motion blur fits with 3D visual output
– Motion blur may/may not be in the final product
– Not much different in visual quality when 3D is turned on/off
This information comes from Capcom’s head of production Jun Takeuchi…
“[Revelations] is a completely new project that we started up after hearing about the 3DS. It’s not a project that was progressing on separate hardware and was moved to the 3DS.”
“The images since the game’s E3 unveiling have all been real time rendered on the 3DS development hardware. It seems as though people didn’t believe us at first, but we’d like you to know that the 3DS is capable of this level of expressive power.”
New Super Street Fighter IV 3D screenshots
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 3 Comments
Vblank Entertainment on the possibility of Retro City Rampage on 3DS, 3DS talk in general
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Vblank Entertainment CEO Brian Provinciano on the possibilty of Retro City Rampge 3DS…
“I love how things get taken out of context, haha. I did an interview about RCR recently in which they went fishing at the end by throwing in a question about what I thought of the 3DS… and here we are! I think pretty much every developer is interested in the 3DS. With the downloadable space finally in full swing, the market being there for smaller games, and the almost risk-free environment where we needn’t worry about manufacturing, distribution and shelf space, it’s very enticing.
Resident Evil: Revelations graphical details, screenshot comparisons with/without effects
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Screenshots | 19 Comments
– MT Framework Mobile being used for Resident Evil: Revelations and Super Street Fighter IV 3D
– Jun Takeuchi couldn’t believe the results they were getting at first
– Resident Evil: Revelations uses common rendering techniques on the PS3/360
– This includes HDR rendering, surface shaders, normal maps, depth of filed, gamma correction
– Motion blur apparently isn’t compatible with 3D
– Motion blur only used in 2D mode
– Up to 2xAA in 2D mode
– Anti-aliasing off in 3D mode
– Graphical comparisons (top image doesn’t have the effect):
Surface shaders, self-shadowing
Rumor: 3DS arriving in Japan this November
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors | 23 Comments
In a little over two weeks, we will know how much the 3DS will cost and when it’ll go on sale in Japan. But until then, it’s a given that we’ll see different speculation about those two desired details. Today, there is a rumor going around that the upcoming handheld will hit Japanese retailers on November 20. That claim comes from a Keys Factory designer, a company well-known for making different Nintendo accessories, including add-ons for the DSi LL. The designer tweeted the following:
“On November 20th, the 11 goods I designed for use with the 3DS will go on sale simultaneously. Those of you buying the 3DS, please buy them while you’re at it! This will be officially announced on the homepage eventually, lol. Best regards.”
At this point, the November 20 release date is certainly possible. Back in 2004, Nintendo revealed in September that the handheld would be out in early December. The only difference here is that the company would be planning a late November launch for the 3DS in Japan. At least we won’t have to wait too much longer to find out if this rumor is valid!
Thanks to Danny and Mark K for the tip!
News from Suda51 – 3DS, more talk of another No More Heroes, more
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii | 7 Comments
– Sine Mora not being in WiiWare is Digital Reality decision
– Suda51 wasn’t sure how charging the laser katana in No More Heroes would be received by fans, but everyone loved it
– He believes you have to be able to take risks
– Extravagance is important to make a difference, but passion is even more important
– Suda51 has good ideas for the 3DS, but won’t give away any secrets so that other developers won’t use them
– He’s gotten the impression from publishers that there will be greater importance on collecting items on the 3DS
– Grashopper Manufacture was not involved with putting No More Heroes on platforms other than the Wii
– In fact, Suda51 said it wasn’t something they wanted to see happen especially (No More Heroes on other consoles)
– Suda51 once again expressed interest in continuing No More Heroes on the Wii’s successor
– Suda51 hopes Grasshopper can become bigger to make the No More Heroes franchise even bigger
– Unclear if Suda 51/Mikami game will come to Wii, negotiations are going on with EA, it’s up to EA