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Samurai G trailer

Posted on 11 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

We’ll replace the video above if we come across a higher-quality version!

Harvest Moon GB hasn’t arrived on the North American 3DS eShop yet, though Natsume’s plans haven’t changed. The company reconfirmed today that the title will be out before the end of the year.

When exactly? Natsume didn’t say. But there are only a few more months left in 2012, so its release shouldn’t be too far out.

Source: Natsume PR

New advertisements promoting Nintendo’s Wii U partnership with Burger King have started to appear at fast food restaurant outlets. As expected, one toy will be included with every Kids Meal.

We’re still unsure as to when this offer will begin. I’d say next month is likely!


Fire Emblem, Doom 4, Endless Ocean, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Kingdom Hearts, Nintendogs, Red Steel III, and Trauma Center. These are eight of the games that Norwegian retailer “CDON” listed on their website as coming to the Wii U.

Yea. No seriously they did. Look at it.

I can’t honestly believe that any of these games are truly coming to Wii U anytime soon, but I can’t help but wish for a few of them… coughTraumaCentercough.

Via Kotaku

Nintendo has shared release dates and prices for three upcoming 3DS eShop games. Details on each can be found at the links below.

October 4

Samurai G – $1.99

October 11

Crazy Kangaroo (3DS Download) – $3.99
Nurikabe by Nikoli (3DS Download) – $4.99

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