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A new downloadable reward is available on Club Nintendo.

NES Play Action Football has been swapped out for Super Smash Bros. The game is available for 200 coins.

You can order Super Smash Bros. here. It’s available as a Virtual Console download until September 16.

Renegade Kid is pushing to get Mutant Mudds on Steam. It’s already available on other PC distributors, such as GOG and Green Man Gaming.

While discussing casual confirmed that the twenty “Granny” levels from the PC version will be coming to the 3DS. Best of all, the DLC will be free to all buyers.

Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham mentioned on his blog:

“You might be asking yourself, ‘Why should I vote for Mudds on Steam?’ when you may already have Mutant Mudds on your 3DS, or you’re waiting for the 20 new Grannie levels to land on the eShop (which is totally going to happen btw, as a free update). You may also be thinking to yourself, ‘Erp, I don’t want to play Mutant Mudds on Steam or even the PC for that matter!'”


As many of you know, Fluidity: Spin Cycle made its playable debut at PAX Prime 2012. You can find the first screenshots here and off-screen footage here.

How does the game actually play? If you take a look at the details below, you’ll get a pretty good idea of what’s new and what’s returning in Spin Cycle.

– Made by Curve Studios again
– Wizard had a book with beautiful pictures that he wanted to bring to life
– He used the magical rainbow spirits to make this happen, but a pesky evil goop interfered
– Use water to rescue the rainbow spirits and rid the world of the evil goop
– Change in art style over the original
– Features a storybook aesthetic
– Levels are broken down into different blocks or areas, like a comic con
– Tilt the 3DS to tilt the world around your pool of water
– Move the water through ramps, passageways, and jumps to locate stranded water drops, the missing rainbow spirits, and puzzle pieces
– There are abilities in the game such as gathering your water into a tight pool
– Abilities are mapped to a button on the touch screen
– Water, ice, and vapor forms will return later in the game
– Rotate the 3DS in 360 degrees to pilot your water through new looping and twisting canals and shafts
– 3D has been disabled because of the rotation
– Tilting the 3DS downward gives you the same control as actually rotating the 3DS
– Basic moves are back such as jumping over chasms, destroying pools of goo, and pooling water to trigger switches that unlock doors
– Jump with L and R
– Rated 1-5 stars based on how much water you end up with at the end of a level


Two new AR card packs for Kid Icarus: Uprising are now available in Japan. Each can be purchased for 263 yen.

The packs are being sold only through Nintendo’s online store starting today.


A few folks were given the opportunity to try out the Wii U version of Chasing Aurora at PAX Prime 2012 this past weekend. Broken Rules showed off some of the multiplayer modes that will be included in the final download.

Read on below for details on how Chasing Aurora plays on Wii U.

– In multiplayer, one person uses the GamePad
– GamePad shows all important content on the screen
– Other players use Wiimotes and nunchucks
– A button: birds will flap their wings
– C button: dive
– Plays like a big game of tag with variations on that theme between each mode
– One variation was just like freeze tag
– Person with the GamePad tries to find other players and make contact
– When this happens, the GamePad holder will have a few seconds on a timer and freeze the player
– Other players can free the frozen bird by connecting with it
– Wiimote players win if there is at least one is alive when the timer ends
– Each individual wing flap requires you to press the A button
– Hotboxes are pretty small, so it’s pretty easy to pull off narrow escapes
– Other modes included
– One mode reverses the roles and the Wiimote players have to catch the one with the GamePad
– Another bode involves a “lead” bird to outrun everyone else
– The camera follows that player as they try to get far enough ahead to cause others to fall behind and go off screen


Senran Kagura Burst is off to a strong start in Japan. According to the game’s official Twitter page, the title has surpassed first week sales of the original.

Marvelous shipped Senran Kagura last September. Based on Media Create data, it sold a little over 50,000 units in its first week.

We should be finding out how well Senran Kagura Burst sold in its first few days on the Japanese market later this week.

Source, Via

As far as we know, Dragon Quest X will be the only Wii U game to be having a presence at the Tokyo Game Show. Then again, maybe Namco Bandai has something in store.

Japanese blogs have picked up on an interesting discovery on Namco Bandai’s TGS site. The Wii’s file icon is hosted on the company’s server here. After someone added a “u” to the end of that filename, a Wii U icon popped up – view it here.

Namco Bandai does have a couple of games announced for Wii U: Tank! Tank! Tank! and Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Tank! Tank! Tank! has been brought to a variety of trade shows, but the Wii U version of Tekken has not been playable thus far.

Perhaps one of these titles will be a late addition to Namco Bandai’s huge TGS lineup? Maybe they’ll announce something brand new for Wii U – there are more games that have yet to be confirmed? Or perhaps we’ll see nothing at all.  There should be a concrete answer very soon.

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