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CFK is back with the latest trailer for QV. For today’s video, we’re introduced to a mystery character who looks like Quby, but her identity is unknown.

Here’s the brief character introduction:

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Windbound, a a new survival RPG, makes its way to Switch today. For a look at some footage, check out the video below.

Windbound is being distributed for Switch via the eShop.


Today, publisher CFK and developer Alpheratz announced a final release date for Nevaeh. The black and white side-scroller will arrive on Switch on September 17, the two companies revealed today.

Here’s a new trailer for the game:

Alpaca Ball: Allstars

Badland Publishing and Salt Castle Studio have nailed down a release date for Alpaca Ball: Allstars. The physics-based party game will launch on October 15, the two sides revealed today.

Here’s some information about Alpaca Ball: Allstars as well as a trailer:

Pumpkin Jack

A new gameplay video has arrived for Pumpkin Jack, an upcoming 3D platformer for Switch. Have a look at the footage below.

Pumpkin Jack launches for Switch in Q4 2020. Learn more about the game in our original post here.

Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend

Square Enix has revealed a special edition for Collection of SaGa Final Fantasy Legend in Japan. Known as the “SaGa 30th Anniversary Commemorative Box [God]”, it will include the following:


Carto, an adventure game with a world-shifting puzzle mechanic, has received a release date. The title is dropping on October 27, Humble Games and Sunhead Games confirmed today.

Here’s an overview of Carto, along with a trailer:

BADA Space Station

Terahard has announced that BADA Space Station, its fast-paced action game with support for co-op, is in the works for Switch. A release is scheduled for 2021.

We have the following overview and trailer for BADA Space Station:


Frontier Developments and Chasing Rats Games have put out a launch trailer for the the physics-based co-op platformer Struggling. Watch it below.

Struggling is out now for Switch via the eShop.



The epic fantasy action spellcasting game Spellbreak will appear on Switch next week, Proletariat has announced. It will be released via the eShop on September 3.

Here’s a new cinematic trailer:

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