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Switch eShop

In preparation for its April 3 launch, HyperParasite has received a new cinematic trailer. View the video from Troglobytes Games below.

HyperParasite will launch digitally on Switch as an eShop download.

Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition

The 1997 point-and-click adventure title Blade Runner is making a comeback on Switch. Nightdive Studios and Alcon Entertainment are restoring the game for release on modern platforms, including Switch.

Known as Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition, it’ll feature a “polished and premium restoration” made with Nightdive’s KEX game engine. Fans can look forward to updated character models, animations, and cutscenes There will be other additions as well such as widescreen resolution support.

My Hero One's Justice 2

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Dead or School
Langrisser I & II
My Hero One’s Justice 2

My Hero One's Justice 2

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

My Hero One’s Justice 2 – $59.99 (available March 13)
La-Mulana 2 – $24.99 (available March 17)
La-Mulana – $14.99 (available March 17)
Overpass – $54.99 (available March 17)
R.B.I. Baseball 20 – $29.99 (available March 17)

The food-themed puzzler inbento finds its way to the Switch eShop today. We have a new launch trailer for the game below.

CFK has announced that Silent World, a horror adventure game, is coming to Switch. A release is planned for March 19 on the eShop.

Here’s some information about Silent World as well as a trailer:

Mistover received a fairly significant piece of DLC today – a crossover with Guilty Gear. Called “Dr. Faust’s Otherworldly Adventure”, the DLC sees players tackle a dungeon created by Dr. Faust. Check out a trailer for the DLC below:


inbento, the calming puzzle game about cats creating bento boxes, just received some footage thanks to Direct Feed Games. 

The relaxing gameplay is on full display in this almost 10 minute preview, showing off some of the beginner puzzles to the tune of its key-infused soundtrack.

The full gameplay video is included below.

inbento is set to release for Switch later today, March 12, 2020.


Neon City Riders, the 2D action-adventure game with heavy cyber-punk aesthetics, just got a long gameplay preview thanks to Handheld Players.

The 26 minute preview starts at the beginning of the game and provides plenty of action and story details to hook those that are interested. 

Check out the full video below.

Neon City Riders is set to release later today, March 12, 2020 on Switch. 

Nippon Ichi Software has just released an extensive gameplay preview for their upcoming mystery adventure game, Bokuhime Project.

The over 27 minute video is entirely in Japanese but it shows some of the character interactions as well as giving a look at the specific style of the game. Just a fair warning though, there are some spoilers in this video, even if they are in Japanese.  

Take a look at the complete gameplay preview below.

Bokuhime Project is set to release for Switch on April 23, 2020 in Japan. No US release date has been given at this time. 

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