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Switch eShop

The Jackbox Pack Pack 5 has received three more trailers. View videos focusing on Mad Verse, Zeeple Dome, and Patently Stupid below.

Car Quest

Car Quest is coming to Switch this month, the North American eShop confirms. A listing on the store shows a release date of October 25.

Compared to normal games with vehicles, Car Quest is quite different. Ezone’s game is more about exploring, solving puzzles, and using driving skills. Continue on below for some additional information and a trailer.

Project Highrise: Architect’s Edition is set to arrive on Switch soon. Have a look at some footage in the video below.

Momonga Pinball Adventures

Momonga Pinball Adventures is the latest instance of a Wii U game moving over to Switch. According to the North American eShop, it’s slated for October 18.

Here’s an overview and trailer for the pinball game:

Pizza Titan Ultra

Pizza Titan Ultra will soon be appearing on Switch. For a look at some early footage, check out the gameplay video below.

Shift Happens

This past week, Daedalic Entertainment brought the co-op platformer Shift Happens to Switch. Get a look at some footage below.

This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


Several new games out came out this week on the eShop. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.


We knew that Carcassonne would be coming to Switch at some point in December. We just didn’t know when. Thanks to an email from Asmodee Digital, we now know it’ll be arriving on December 6.

Carcassonne is the first of five best-selling card and board games Asmodee is planning for Switch. Others include The Lord of the Rings: Living Card Game, Pandemic, Catan, and Munchkin.

Springloaded will have a new game ready to go on Switch next week. Legend of Evil is releasing on October 19, the developer announced today.

Here’s an overview and trailer for the side-scrolling title:

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