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Wii U

Once again, we have a look at Nintendo’s most up=to-date release schedule thanks to items provided in the company’s latest NPD report. There aren’t too many highlights this time around, but one release window in particular does stick out.

When Nintendo announced Bravely Default for the west a few months ago, the plan was to have it out in Europe before the end of 2013. Now, like North America, it would appear that the 3DS RPG won’t be available until next year.

There’s a whole lot of sales mumbo jumbo in Nintendo’s latest financial results, which probably wouldn’t be too useful if it’s posted here. There are, however, a few highlihgts:

– 8.62 B yen vs. estimates of 1.3B
– 1.03M Wii U Software units in 3 months
– 160,000 Wii U units world wide in 3 months ending june
– 1.4 million 3DS units
– 11M 3DS software units
– Net Sales —> ¥81,548
– Operating Loss —> ¥4,924
– Net Income —> ¥8,624
– Wii U sales = 3.61 million in total
– Wii total stands at 100 million
– .21 Wii units sold
– Wii sees 3.67 million software units sold
– 3DS total units stand at 32.48 million
– 3DS down 25$ year-over-year
– Wii U shipmentsL Japan : 90k, Americas: 60k, Rest of the world: 10k

If you’re looking for even more sales talk, you can find Nintendo’s full financial results here.


Platinum Games has updated its Wonderful 101 blog with a fourth post. Today’s post is fully dedicated to Wonder-Red.

You can find the post here. A Wonder-Red character clip is above, and new screenshots are below.

News leaking out of this week’s Famitsu reveals that Monster Hunter Frontier G is in development for the Wii U and PlayStation 3. The PS3 version will release first on November 20, followed by Wii U on December 11.

Monster Hunter Frontier G may ring a bell for some. The game originally hit Japanese Xbox 360 and PC systems earlier this year.

The new versions’ content is identical to the previous release. PS3 and Wii U will both be receiving a “Beginner’s Pack” (packaged with armor and weapons), priced at 6,090 yen with a monthly fee of 1,400 yen. There will also be a free downloadable version. A free trial period will also be made available to players one week prior to the game’s official launch.

On Wii U, Frontier G will allow for display switching to the GamePad. It won’t be compatible with the nunchuck, but the Pro Controller will be supported. Capcom has yet to confirm if there will be any 3DS functionality. Likewise, it isn’t clear if the PS3 version will support trophies.

Shigeru Miyamoto recently conducted an interview with Japanese publication 4Gamer. Two portions of the talk have been translated previously, and now the third and final piece has appeared

There’s still a bunch of discussion about Pikmin 3, naturally, but Miyamoto also speaks about the Wii U in general. You can find the full thing here.

Some European Wii U owners purchasing Pikmin 3 from GAME were able to receive the download version a few days early. However, upon initial inspection, it appeared that Nintendo Network Premium points were not being provided. There was also concern that by obtaining Pikmin 3 before its official launch, such users wouldn’t be eligible for the 30% discount on digital copies of The Wonderful 101.

Nintendo has now stepped in and clarified the situation. Even if you downloaded Pikmin 3 early, you’ll be eligible for The Wonderful 101 promotion. The Nintendo Network Premium points situation is also being looked into, but it sounds like that also won’t be an issue.

Nintendo’s official statement reads:

Nintendo has approved Scirra for Wii U development, the company announced on Facebook today.

Scirra’s first order of business will be with regard to Construct 2. Sometime in the future, the engine will gain a Wii U exporter – meaning even more projects will be possible for the system.

Source, Via

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