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Wii U

Starting tomorrow, Target will be initiating a couple of Wii U-related deals.

First up, those who purchase a Wii U console will receive a $25 gift card – Basic or Deluxe. Target will also be holding a buy 2, get 1 free sale on all games for the system.

Both offers will be valid through March 2.


In the latest Watch Dogs footage, Ubisoft plastered the URL “” on signs, posters, and other objects in the open-world. This appears to be an actual website. Access it here.

Upon visiting the page, you’ll notice that it says DedSec has seized the site. Graffiti of the DedSec group is shown through graffiti in the latest Watch Dogs video.

The page also includes the quote “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes”. In Latin, this translates to “Who will guard the guards themselves?” or “Who watches the watchmen?”.

Thanks to Jermaine for sending this news our way.

Thanks to Tex for the tip.

Rumor has it that Rayman creator Michel Ancel could be leaving Ubisoft.

Long story short, Ancel would take a few employees with him – maybe five or six staffers – and start up a new project, perhaps with another company. This would provide Ancel with the opportunity to be more creative.

Ubisoft apparently has some idea that Ancel could be heading down a new path. Even if this does happen, the publisher could in some form.

Gamekult, the source of the speculation, also reports that one reason that Rayman Legends went multiplatform is because Nintendo and Ubisoft were unable to reach an agreement when it came to distributing and marketing of the game.

Ubisoft and Ancel are both denying all rumors for now.

Source, Via

Watch Dogs is now a cross-generation project. Along with the Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC versions, it’ll also be coming to the PS4.

The PS4 game may look slightly prettier/polished, and the Wii U release will have the benefit of GamePad functionality. In the end though, Ubisoft will be keeping the experience the same across platforms.

According to Watch Dogs creative director Jonathan Morin:

“…I firmly believe that creating a game experience starts with what you want to do and achieve as a team. It has nothing to do with tools. The tools are there to facilitate certain things. So the same experience is there on the PS3 and other consoles. Players will have the same enjoyment; they will not feel any letdown.”


Treyarch has kicked off the weekend with a double XP event in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Up through Monday, players can earn double the experience points for each headshot, frag kill, and flag capture. This applies to all versions of the game.

Source, Via

Watch Dogs boxart

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Images, Wii U | 0 comments

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