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Wii U

D3Publisher will publish Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade for Wii U later this year. It features 30 party games comprised of obstacle courses, popular sporting events, and arcade/brain challenges.

Art Co. Ltd. is developing Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade. The title will be released this holiday season.

More details can be found in the short summary below.

Competitors will navigate through multiple locations in “Family Party Land”, a remote island divided by uniquely themed environments and obstacles to take on some of the wackiest challenges yet. Using the Wii U™ GamePad, players will be able to interact with their characters off-screen to enhance the gameplay and create a personalized touch. Obstacle Arcade delivers hours of family entertainment where players can choose from over a dozen family-friendly characters and challenge each other in up to four-player multiplayer in 30 diverse games. These over-the-top games include dodging barrels while on a horse, racing across obstacles floating on water, setting off and detonating fireworks, skydiving from above while avoiding a huge artillery of rockets being shot by other players and many more. Friends and family will be consumed with all the fun and hilarity this upcoming holiday season as new and unique games are unlocked and high scores and medals are earned!

Source: D3Publisher PR

Nintendo has published the second portion of the Dragon Quest X Iwata Asks discussion. Satoru Iwata, designer Yuji Horii, producer Yousuke Saito, and director Jin Fujisawa discussed the game’s online/offline components.

While the interview is only available in Japanese, a short summary of the talk can be found below.

– Beginning of the game is played offline
– Eventually forced to go online to continue play
– Fujisawa says that having to make the game’s local component took much of the development staff’s time and energy
– Hori repeatedly suggested that they make the offline component simpler
– Fujisawa and his staff felt that as the offline component had an important role in introducing players to the game
– Making the offline component took awhile because the game’s specifications were made with online in mind
– During online play, the servers and client (the Wii) split some of the processing work
– Wii handle’s the server load for offline play
– This caused some slowdown issues initially
– Staff was able to clean up the offline code so much that it moves even smoother than the online code

Source, Source 2

Dragon Quest X footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments

Rumor has it that GameStop will begin taking widespread Wii U pre-orders in early September – the first week of the month, more specifically.

Nintendo Everything reader Andrew Holland tells us that the news comes from a local GameStop manager. Andrew was also given a look at a listing of upcoming titles with placeholder release dates and prices, as shown in this post.

GameStop hasn’t officially said when it’ll begin to take pre-orders for the Wii U. However, consumers can already reserve a number of games for the console right here.

01/02. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 (Capcom, 2013) – 1155 votes
02/01. [PS3] Resident Evil 6 (Capcom, 10/04/12) – 1079 votes
03/03. [Wii] Dragon Quest X (Square Enix, 08/02/12) – 814 votes
04/04. [3DS] New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo, 07/28/12) – 731 votes
05/06. [3DS] Animal Crossing: Jump Out (Nintendo, 2012) – 627 votes
06/05. [PS3] Tales of Xillia 2 (Namco Bandai, 11/01/12) – 559 votes
07/07. [3DS] Devil Summoner: Soul Hacker (Atlus, 08/30/12) – 387 votes
08/10. [PS3] Yakuza 5 (Sega, 12/2012) – 368 votes
09/13. [PS3] Dead or Alive 5 (Tecmo Koei, 09/27/12) – 337 votes
10/09. [3DS] Bravely Default: Flying Fairy (Square Enix, 10/11/12) – 329 votes
11/17. [3DS] Shin Megami Tensei IV (Atlus, TBA) – 325 votes
12/20. [PS3] 2nd Super Robot Wars OG (Namco Bandai, Winter) – 304 votes
13/14. [PS3] Final Fantasy Versus XIII (Square Enix, TBA) – 281 votes
14/18. [PSV] Hatsune Miku Project Diva F (Sega, 08/30/12) – 279 votes
15/11. [PS3] Toki to Towa (Namco Bandai, 10/11/12) – 267 votes
16/15. [PS3] Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Konami, 2013) – 253 votes
17/16. [3DS] Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon (Nintendo, 2012) – 249 votes
18/21. [3DS] Fantasy Life (Level-5, 2012) – 235 votes
19/24. [PS3] The Last Guardian (SCEJ, TBA) – 219 votes
20/22. [3DS] Project X Zone (Namco Bandai, 10/11/12) – 207 votes
21/26. [3DS] Senran Kagura Burst (Marvelous AQL, 08/30/12) – 193 votes
22/19. [PS3] The Last Remnant (Square Enix, TBA) – 189 votes
23/30. [PS3] Final Fantasy X HD (Square Enix, TBA) – 180 votes
24/—. [PSV] Ys: Foliage Ocean in Celceta (Falcom, 09/27/12) – 179 votes
25/28. [PS3] Assassin’s Creed III (Ubisoft, 11/15/12) – 175 votes
26/23. [PSV] Soul Sacrifice (SCEJ, TBA) – 131 votes
27/29. [PS3] Max Payne 3 (Rockstar Games, 09/06/12) – 130 votes
28/—. [PS3] The Witch and the Hundred Knights (Nippon Ichi Software, 2012) – 127 votes
29/27. [PSP] God Eater 2 (Namco Bandai, 2012) – 122 votes
30/—. [PSP] SD Gundam: G Generation Overworld (Namco Bandai, 09/27/12) – 119 votes


I was just saying the other day how frustrating it is that we still don’t know much about Darksiders II (and other Wii U games) even though Nintendo has a new console coming out in just a few months. You guys probably feel the same way, and so does Vigil Games, the developer of Darksiders II.

In a lengthy exchange with VideoGamer, Darksiders II lead designer Haydn Dalton talked about how he wishes he could just come out and talk about Wii U. There’s other talk about the console as well – the GamePad’s screen, developers supporting it down the road, and more.

We’ve posted the full Q&A with Dalton below.

GameTrailers editor in chief Shane Satterfield has offered some insight into the Wii U’s pricing situation. If he’s to believed, Nintendo will be pricing the console at $299.

Speaking on the latest episode of “Invisible Walls”, Satterfield said:

“We’re going to assume that the Wii U is going to cost $299. And I have heard through certain channels that that is likely going to be the price of the system.”

Most consumers would certainly welcome a $299 price tag. But it’s unclear if any items would be bundled into the package. Some potential buyers are hoping that Nintendo Land will be provided as a bonus, similar to how Wii Sports came with each Wii console when the system launched.

Source, Via

It appears that Slightly Mad Studios and Gamagio are bringing “Biker Bash” to Wii U (probably through the eShop) as well as Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and Steam.

While an official announcement hasn’t been made, a comprehensive document has been discovered outlining the game’s numerous features and various elements.

The document describes Biker Bash as “a bike racing game that  combines classic gameplay from titles like ROAD RASH/MOTORSTORM with modern fighting mechanics from STREETFIGHTER IV/FIGHT NIGHT and drags it kicking and screaming into the 21st Century with next-gen graphics, gameplay, and social features… all at a downloadable price point.”

Included in Biker Bash are various single-player and multiplayer modes, competitive gameplay with friends, combat during racing, weapons and power-ups, items and upgrades, and more. Also mentioned is a RAGE meter that, when filled, can be used to “Rage Boost” past the competition or eliminate others on the race track.

Images from the document can be found above. You can also view the entire PDF here.


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