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Wii U

Wii U will be a big part of Ubisoft’s Gamescom plans this year. Five games in total will be playable on the console: Rabbids Land, Rayman Legends, Sports Connection, Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2013, and ZombiU.

Ubisoft will also be showing off Assassin’s Creed III along with Just Dance 4.

Visit this link for more information about Ubisoft’s Gamescom plans (including its full lineup).

Not a whole lot new here… but it’s certainly nice seeing “Fire Emblem” on that list for North America and Europe.

Square Enix officially announced “Dragon Quest X Convenient Tool For Adventurers On the Go: Vol.1” today, a 3DS application that works in conjunction with the company’s upcoming RPG.

The first screenshots of the tool have been posted below, along with an overview of its functions.

Post Office

– Write letters on your 3DS and send them to friends

Travelers Bazaar

– View all the items that are up for sale at the bazaars on the various continents
– Can’t purchase items here

Friend Information

– See if your friends are currently playing Dragon Quest X

Support Ally Employment Information

– See how much your character is being employed by others as a support ally

Street Pass/Double Street Pass

– Exchange data with other 3DS users through StreetPass
– “Double StreetPass”: StreetPassing with a player both through your 3DS and within Dragon Quest X
– If you carry out a Double StreetPass, something nice will happen

Thanks to 4Him for the tip.


A Nintendo Direct dedicated entirely to Dragon Quest X will be shown on Monday. Satoru Iwata will be on hand to present information and gameplay for Square Enix’s anticipated RPG.

The presentation will be shown at 20:00 local time. You’ll be able to watch the broadcast here.

Rabbids Land footage

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment’s Gamescom 2012 lineup is as follows:

Batman: Arkham City – Armored Edition
Injustice: Gods Among Us
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Lord of the Rings Online
Guardians of Middle-earth

Along with the games listed above, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment is planning announcements for two new games. One title is a huge release.


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