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Wii U

Resident Evil: Revelations – 5
Paper Mario – 5
Extreme Escape Adventure: Good People Die – 3
Monster Hunter Tri G – 5
Luigi’s Mansion 2 – 4
Dragon Quest X – 4
Heroes of Ruin – 4

Thanks to joclo for the tip!

Following yesterday’s screenshot blast, the first footage of the Ninja Gaiden III’s multiplayer mode has been shown. IGN is currently hosting a live-stream of the game, and we’ve captured the multiplayer segment for your convenience. The stream is still going on (for now) and has now shifted to Ninja Gaiden III’s campaign – you can find it here.

The image basically speaks for itself. It comes from a Singaporean government site… and that’s pretty much it! There’s talk that the Wii U is on its fourth development kit at this time, though the image above makes me think that Nintendo has shipped out fifth edition units.


Ubisoft Quebec is currently looking for new staffers to join a team that is working on a “new AAA MMORPG” title. The studio has previously developed Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands for Wii, TMNT for DS, and a few other games. The Quebec team has provided assistance on the last couple of Assassin’s Creed titles as well.

Here’s the interesting bit for Nintendo fans: it’s possible that the project is in the works for Wii U.

Ubisoft’s Emile Gauthier tweeted the following a few hours ago:

“Ubisoft Quebec is working on a NEW AAA MMORPG Game and we need people to fill these very strategic positions”

If you follow that link, you’ll see that there are a couple of job postings for a AAA Wii U game. The listings were added in today. Could this be the MMORPG Gauthier was referring to?


New Dragon Quest X scan

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments

Is it time to start up the Wii U rumor mill once again? Perhaps, as someone has published some unconfirmed specs about the console.

Wii U Daily claims to have obtained some information from a developer who has been porting a PlayStation 3 title to Wii U.

The rumored specs are as follows:

– Quad Core, 3 GHz PowerPC-based 45nm CPU
– 768 MB of DRAM “embedded” with the CPU, and shared between CPU and GPU
– Unknown, 40nm ATI-based GPU

Supposedly Nintendo has been testing one console version that includes 768 MB of RAM and another with 1 GB of RAM. The site believes IBM has made the RAM which is embedded within the processor.

Keep in mind that the rumored specs above were from a Wii U kit handed to developers back in March. It’s possible that the console has seen an increase in power since then and may give it a larger edge over the Xbox 360.


Reggie Fils-Aime commented on a wide array of topics in a new interview with Techland. The Nintendo of America president briefly talked about the Wii U, how the DS remains important to the company, and more.

Fils-Aime also mentioned that the 3DS has surpassed sales of the original DS, and in a shorter timespan. The DS hit 2.37 million units in its first year while the 3DS already beat out that number in just eight months.

For more news from Reggie, head past the break.

Square Enix has finally announced its full lineup for this year’s Jump Feta. You can find the full list below.

Final Fantasy XIII-2
Lord of Apocalypse
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts 3D
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Dragon Quest Monsters 3D
Fortune Street
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime 3
Dragon Quest X
Chrono Trigger

Jump Festa 2012 takes place on December 17/18.

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