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Wii U

I wouldn’t follow this list completely, as there are some questionable entries. However, it’s very, very interesting to see The Last Story scheduled for 2012. It’d be amazing if that were true. It’d also be depressing if Europe ended up receiving Xenoblade and The Last Story while North America missed out on both titles…

26 – Xenoblade Chronicles

09 – StarFox 64 3D
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2

Kirby Mass Attack
Mario Kart 3DS
Professor Layton

Kirby Wii
Zelda Skyword Sword
Super Fossil Fighters

Super Mario 3DS

Mario Party 9
Paper Mario 3DS
Luigi’s Mansion 2
Animal Crossing 3DS
Kid Icarus
Lego City Stories
The Last Story


Just as a note, I hope this isn’t the last we’ve heard of Wii U in 2010. Hopefully Iwata says something at Nintendo’s Fall conference, if there is one.

Matt Ryan from Nintendo Canada on why it seemed Nintendo focused more on hardware than games…

“While Wii U hardware was a BIG focus this year for Nintendo we also have many software titles that were emphasized at the press conference and at the show. First of all, we are celebrating The Legend of Zelda 25th anniversary and that is bringing many Zelda titles to our systems. The newest offering being The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for Wii. Also, for Nintendo 3DS we have Super Mario, Mario Kart and Kid Icarus: Uprising coming this holiday. So we had a nice balance of hardware and software but we are quite aware that the Wii U announcement really excited fans the most in our booth.”

Ryan on if there is any worry that Nintendo will displace their current consumer base with a new console…

“Not at all. We anticipate that Wii U will make all types of gamers happy! Wii expanded the video game market and brought many new people into gaming, we expect Wii U to not only to continue this trend but to take it even further with what the new console has to offer.”

Reggie didn’t show anything on the Wii U other than the controller (and the console!), but I think Jimmy was happy just holding it in his hands. And those lucky audience members all received a copy of Ocarina of Time 3D.


Wii U images

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Thanks to Smeagle for the tip!

Yet another Nintendo interview for you guys to look over. The funny thing is, the second question in this interview from GameSpot was regarding Pikmin. Shigeru Miyamoto actually revealed that he’s going to be putting the franchise on Wii U instead of Wii, but this was before his roundtable.

Miyamoto on whether there has been a philosophy or a direction that Nintendo is taking in bringing titles to the 3DS…

“Well, I’m really seeing a couple of different tendencies in 3DS software, and one is that the system itself is, I think, a great system, where games that we’ve released in the past can be remade and really take on new meaning, and there are new ways to make them fun. But on the other hand, at this point, what we’re also looking at of course is creating new installments in existing franchises. And so that’s, I think, where the system is right now.”

For Nintendo, releasing their systems with the most powerful technology available has never been their intention. Instead the company has focused on creating entertaining experiences while pricing their consoles reasonably.

So it comes as no surprise that Nintendo is considering this approach once again for Wii U. Shigeru Miyamoto understands the need to incorporate technology that has progressed over the years, but also realizes that Nintendo still needs to have the console come in as a reasonable price “because people have generally only a certain amount of their spending that they’ll devote to entertainment.” In the end, Nintendo will be looking to balance the price of Wii U with what can be included in the hardware.

Nintendo is an entertainment company. We’re very sensitive to pricing because people have generally only a certain amount of their spending that they’ll devote to entertainment. And if you’re talking about parents buying something for kids, there are certain price points where parents may be willing to or not willing to purchase a certain product.

But at the same time, you have these technological advances, and you have the needs of being able to take advantage of that technology, and those result in increasing costs and things like that. And so I think that in terms of companies that really look very carefully at what is the best balance between price and possibility in terms of the hardware, Nintendo is the company that’s going to probably pay the most attention to striking that right balance.

So when you look at what we’re trying to do this time, which is I think maybe to a certain degree somewhat reckless, because we’re trying to include this somewhat kind of tablet-like device–this controller with the screen. We’re trying to do that by finding the right balance between the CPU and the GPU, the graphics processor, and bringing all of that together with the ability to take advantage of the HD capabilities of the system, and wanting to do the most that we can on that front as well.

We’re very sensitive, of course, to trying to do all of this at an appropriate price. So I don’t know that we would be able to sit here and say that it’s going to necessarily dramatically outperform the systems that are out now. It’s part of the balance that we strike in terms of trying to find entertainment that is new and unique.


It looks like Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Computer Entertainment’s Worldwide Studios, has been keeping track of some of the Wii U rumors over the past few months. Yoshida told IGN that he was “surprised” by the console and that the system was “pretty close to what was being rumored.” One of his expectations is that Nintendo might consider making “a giant DS”, though that obviously didn’t happen!

“I was surprised to see the final product for what Nintendo was showing. It’s pretty close to what was being rumored. Lots of media had different interpretations of the rumors, and something I thought Nintendo might be doing was like a giant DS in your house. I was expecting them to do some demos, like Nintendogs coming from the big screen to the small screen where you can then pet the dog on the tablet controller. And finally they are going to HD graphics, which must please third-party publishers judging from what they were saying at the press conference. It’s interesting.”

Yoshida also responded to a statement made by IGN in which the publication said that “Nintendo seems to be blurring that by having a tablet controller where you can play console games both on a TV and portably.”

“We still don’t know much about the Wii U. It seems like the controller can only work with one console. When they show multiplayer they are using the Wii remotes. How games will be developed for that console we still don’t know. As I understand, the Wii U remote has to be in proximity of the console so it’s not a true portable device in a sense that you can bring it with you outside the room or house. I still can’t get my head around what it is.”


Miyamoto like you’ve never seen him before

To make that title less than 500 words, I had to make it a bit more vague than I had wanted. But I highly suggest reading the interview that Game Informer conducted with Shigeru Miyamoto below, since there’s a significant amount of information. Miyamoto discusses topics including the Wii U, why the time is right for Zelda concerts and Four Swords on DSiWare, some initial concerns about Skyward Sword and how it’s a “very open world”, and a whole lot more.

One aspect of the Wii U controller that has been a concern for some fans is its analog nubs. It almost seemed as though Nintendo took a step backward by implementing sticks that are more comparable to the 3DS rather than what we’ve seen on the GameCube and Wii.

However, Shigeru Miyamoto is confident that consumers will get used to the circle pads. He says that they “are of a more advanced state than the one we created for Nintendo 3DS” and that they might be slightly more precise.

“The circle pads that we’re using for the Wii U controllers are of a more advanced state than the one we created for Nintendo 3DS. They will perhaps have a bit more precision. The mechanism that allows those circle pads to work is still very different from, for example, the mechanism we used for the control stick on the Gamecube controller. In that sense it’s very tough to compare the precision or how the circle pads will work in that sense, but personally I feel that we’ve gotten them to a point that when you sit down and play with them you get used to them very quickly and they feel very nice.”


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