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Wii U

Update: To top it all off, PR can be read below!

So, Ubisoft is making Killer Freaks for Wii U. What’s it all about? Ubisoft shared the first details at a roundtable event today.

It’s being made by their France division, first of all, and it’ll be an exclusive first-person shooter release for the console. You may be interested to know that the full title is Killer Freaks From Outerspace. Supposedly, it’ll redefine first-person competitive action.

A trailer was shown (see below) featuring a man loading a gun, listening to the news and such in an alleyway. An alien arrives on the scene, and there were mechs there as well (this sounds a bit strange…).

Ubisoft also featured a demo of the title. Details include:

This information comes from Rage studio’s creative director Tim Willits…

“The Nintendo market is a tough market for us to get into. A lot of first party games, a lot of licensed games – those are the ones that have done the best on that platform. I’d love it if we can get a hardcore FPS community going and build on it, but it’s tough. I think we should keep our toes where we know best.”

Well, you win some, you lose some. I’ve been pretty surprised by the third-party support thus far. Not a whole lot of concrete games were announced yesterday (let alone new titles), but it’s very interesting to see titles such as Batman: Arkham City, Darksiders II, and Ninja Gaiden III coming to the console.


This information comes from Kojima Productions creative producer Yoshikazu Matsuhana…

“Obviously we did have talks with Nintendo early on – they approached us with the Wii U. We can’t say exactly when this happened or what kind of talks we’ve had but we were aware of the hardware and we’ve been looking at it. We are very much thinking about possibilities with the Wii U and it looks like a very fun system. As for whether we’ll have something at launch for the Wii – we can’t say that. Probably not, but we definitely have things in mind. We’re also looking at the public reaction. If there are enough people who say they want us to bring something to the Wii U that also factors into things.”

Matsuhana also touched on the subject of Metal Gear Solid 5…

“We anticipated we would get questions about this today (Metal Gear Solid 5) and unfortunately our answer is, we can’t answer that. We can’t say anything right now. Top secret.”

It’s anyone’s guess what Kojima Productions will work on/what possibilities they’re thinking of for Wii U. It should be able to handle the company’s newly announced engine, however.


Celebrities: Matt Groening, T-Pain, and Greg Grunberg.


It’s an end of an era! The Wii U will not support GameCube functionality in any fashion. The console doesn’t have a memory slot or controller ports, of course, and it therefore will be unable to play any GameCube games.


Nintendo’s been set on minimizing the importance of the actual console. Instead, they’ve been promoting Wii U’s controller.
Time for you guys to chime in: How do you guys like the build of the console?

Well, since this game is coming to Wii U, I guess it’s okay to post these screenshots! Of course, the images aren’t from Nintendo’s console, though the title should look fairly similar. I’ll probably be doing the same thing with future posts (Metro Last Light, Aliens: Colonial Marines, etc.).

This information comes from Gearbox’s Randy Pitchford…

– Can play through the entire game with the television off
– Play through the game while someone else is watching TV
– Pitchford says there are very neat things players can do with the controller
– The controller will sometimes be the game’s motion tracker
– The tracker is a device in the Alien universe that can track the location of enemies and friendlies by their motion
– Might be asked to sweep the controller around, looking for approaching enemies
– They’ll show up as blips on the controller display
– Controller will sometimes be a fully interactive map
– Play with a full map of the area similar to what has been seen with Private William Hudson doing in the movie Aliens
– Use the display on the controller to play a mini-game used to hack doors
– Pitchford: “The Wii U is really bad ass. We have a lot of great ideas that we’re already working on.”
– Pitchford said that his studio’s game won’t be on the 3DS as of now


Project Sora has published a unique interview involving Nintendo president Satoru Iwata and Project Sora’s Masahiro Sakurai on their website. The interview is quite interesting and revealing. The column discusses how the idea of making Smash Bros. for both the Wii U and 3DS came to be and discusses preliminary details.

It seems that the development team will be placing a focus on building up characters and collecting items on the 3DS and then demonstrating your abilities on the Wii U. Additionally, Sakurai teases that he is interesting in presenting a slightly different experience on the 3DS than what we’re used to seeing in the series. One area of focus for the 3DS project will be placed on players assisting each other.

Read on for the details below…

Early discussions of Smash Bros. for 3DS

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