Atlus is preparing a special box set for Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl. All pre-orders and first print copies will come with a number of bonuses called “Etrian Untold, Unseen, Unheard.”
The box set will include a 7-track music CD featuring an exclusive live version of the game’s opening theme, an exclusive rough sketch version of the same, and other songs. Atlus will also pack in a design book containing character art, comics and notes.
Best of all, these extras will be available at no extra cost. You can pre-order Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl and ensure that you’ll be receiving the goodies by reserving the game at Amazon or GameStop (just to name a couple).
Source: Atlus PR
Explore Luigi’s Imagination in a Hilarious Nintendo 3DS Adventure
REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Year of Luigi is going strong, and the celebration of the 30th anniversary of everyone’s favorite younger brother continues with Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, available exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS system on Aug. 11. Mario & Luigi: Dream Team puts players inside the head of Luigi … literally! In the game, players journey into the imaginative dreams of Luigi to help save Pi’illo Island from a mysterious villain. Using the touch screen on the Nintendo 3DS system, players can manipulate a sleeping Luigi to make fantastical things happen in the dream world, such as altering the dream world environment and growing Luigi to gargantuan size. In his dreams, Luigi also has amazing powers called Luiginary Attacks, such as spawning hundreds of Luigis to form towers, giant hammers and wrecking balls to do battle with a host of nightmares.
Teyon will be discounting Groove Heaven on the 3DS eShop next week. Starting on August 15, you’ll be able to pick up the game for $2.99 / €2.99. The sale will last for a full month.
Update 3: With more scans coming in, we’ve removed the rumor tag and are classifying this as official news.
Update 2: More details:
– MBlaziken has Speed Boost
– MLucario has Adaptability
– MMawile has Huge Power
– MAbsol has Magic Bounce
– MAmpharos is Electric/Dragon and has Mold Breaker
– Mawile is also re-typed Steel/Fairy
– Dedenne is an Antennae Pokemon, knows Pick-Up or Cheek Pouches
– Horubii is a Digging Pokemon, knows Pick-Up or Cheek Pouches
– Koruni: gym leader who holds the key to Mega Evolutions
– Torchic being distributed with Mega Stone allowing it to become Mega Blaziken, October 12-January 15th via WiFi
Update: Assuming this is the real deal, the new Mewtwo form is a part of the “Mega” category. Blaziken, Absol, Lucario, Ampharos, and Mawile have these forms as well.
Gogoat’s pre-evolution is said to be Meekuru. CoroCoro, supposedly, also reveals the electric/fairy-type Dedenne and the normal rabbit “Horubii”.
Apparent scans from the latest issue of CoroCoro have started to leak, showing “Mega” forms of existing Pokemon as well as a few more brand new creatures. Leaks have just started to take place, so stay tuned for details…