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This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies (3DS) – 10/9/10/8
Fantasy Life Link (3DS) – 9/9/8/9
Dragon’s Crown (PS3/PSV) – 9/8/9/9
Race Driver Grid 2 (PS3/360) – 9/8/8/8
The Witch and The Hundred Knights (PS3) – 8/8/8/7
Hoppe Cyan Tsukutte Asonde Puni Puni Town !! (3DS) – 8/8/7/7
XBlaze Code: Embryo (PS3) – 8/8/8/6
Toki No Kizuna: Hanamusubi Tsuzuri (PSP) – 8/7/8/6
Beast Saga Saikyou Gekitotsu Colosseum! (3DS) – 7/7/6/6
Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi Extra (PS3) – 6/7/7/6
Chibi Devi! 2 Mahou no Yume Ehon (3DS) – 7/7/7/5

New Gaist Crusher details

Posted 11 years ago by in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Capcom has shared new details on Gaist Crusher, its latest 3DS game slated for release in Japan this winter. You can find a summary of the latest information below.

Weapon Form

– Use a transformation device to switch your Gaist Gear between a balanced Mail Form and the offensive Weapon Form
– Weapon Form may be better used against giant monsters
– Weapon Form is an offensive style that uses the Gaist’s power as a weapon
– Weapon type is based on the equipped Gaist Gear
– Gear includes: a heavy-hitting great sword, combo-heavy dual swords
– Gun and bow-style weapons as well
– Wind Garuda’s Weapon Form: dual sickle weapon that allows you to rapidly slice through enemies
– Gaia Orochi’s Weapon Form: transforms your arms into large claws for heavy combos
– Giant spear, rocket launcher, hammer, and a large bow are weapons as well


– Gaist themselves are metallic organisms that have appeared and begun to assault mankind
– Play as a group of Gaist Crushers to defeat them
– Arc Phoenix: new fire-type Gaist
– Arc Phoenix is similar to the mythological creature-based Gaists, Tekkou Ryujin and Onmyo Yatagarasu
– Legend says that the Arc Phoenix only appears when the world is about to end
– GCG (Gaist Crusher Garriso) is the secret hideout
– Main character Recca and other Gaist Crusher members can be found here
– The GCG is a supranational Gaist-countermeasure organization that boasts some of the world’s best technology, used to help the heroes fight against the Gaist


– Volcan: director of GCG, excellent leader with vast amounts of knowledge and experience to back up his position
– Volcan is also a friendly person who’s known for cracking jokes with those around him, but when things get serious he demonstrates his leadership skills to lead the rest of the members of the team
– Sakura Sango: she is the operator of GCG, keeps track of any Gaist outbreaks, and provides informational support for combat to the game’s protagonist, Recca, and the others from the base
– Contrary to her young and playful appearance, she’s actually a very serious lady, but slips up here and there
– Zeke Bana: captain who gathers the battle squad
– Zeke goes by the name “Captain Bana”
– He wears an artificial Gaist Gear along with his trained body and his indomitable spirit to help fight against Gaist


The wait for Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara on Wii U may not be too much longer. Capcom has provided an official update about the delayed version, stating that it’s now expected to hit the eShop in August. The company said that the Wii U edition encountered some “unexpected dev issues.”


It won’t be entirely clear just how well Pikmin 3 is performing in Japan until Media Create provides official data tomorrow, but the early word is encouraging based on retailer feedback.

Pikmin 3 managed to top the charts of Japanese retail and rental chain Tsutaya. Director of the Game Rental Planning Group Taketo Matsuo says that the title’s strong sales have also moved Wii U hardware units.

“Pikmin 3, that came out nine years after Pikmin 2, is having a really good start. Sales at Tsutaya are comparable to the release of Super Mario Bros U and have driven greater sales of Wii U units.”

To compare, New Super Mario Bros. U sold over 160,000 units in its first week in Japan.


Shin Megami Tensei IV players can pick up three pieces of downloadable content that have launched alongside the game today.

The following items are now available:

  • Visage Pack, Free – A pack of three new delivery quests with three hairstyles as the reward.
  • White Samurai Apparel, Free – A pack of three new delivery quests with a White Samurai armor set as the reward.
  • Experience of the Afterlife, $1.99 – A new challenge quest that allows players to collect “bonus experience-giving items,” and unlocks Fairy Oread for fusion.

The full Shin Megami Tensei IV game is out now on the 3DS eShop for $49.99. You can also purchase it at retail.


Undead Bowling appears to be getting a demo.

A listing on the official Nintendo website states that a free demo is available on the 3DS eShop. Of course, it isn’t out yet, nor is the full game.

Also worth noting, the listing mentions that Undead Bowling will be available on July 18 for $6.99.


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