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Square Enix hopes to keep Dragon Quest X going for a long time. Just how long? Well, according to Nikkei, the company has plans to release download content for the next ten years or so.

At the moment, Square Enix is working on a number of story quests. Also in the works are major version updates that are scheduled for release every ten weeks.

Nikkei says that Square Enix is looking to obtain mid to long term earnings expansion through Dragon Quest X.

Source 1, Source 2

Nintendo’s 2012 annual report has gone live. While it doesn’t contain a whole lot of interesting information, president Satoru Iwata did include a message to consumers. He discussed the Wii U, 3DS, Nintendo Network, and more.

We’ve posted the full message above.

Writer Paul Dini has worked on both Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City. Following those two games, it seems that Dini is done with the series… for now anyway.

Earlier this week, Dini tweeted:

“Kinda hoped I’d be doing another Arkham game in London during the Olympics. Esp, as I had a good source for tx. Ah, well.”

This was a little bit unclear, so fans asked for clarification. Dini followed up by saying that although he isn’t working on any new Batman games currently, he’d be open to writing a third entry since he “loved writing the first two”.

In case you were wondering, Dini isn’t lending his hand to the rumored Silver Age Batman title either. In another tweet, he wrote:

“I didn’t know about it until I read about it, so we’re even.”

Source, Via

Mass Effect 3 is one of many titles on display at EA’s Summer Showcase 2012. Joystiq, among other publications, are being given the opportunity to play the Wii U version of the game. Check out a summary of the site’s report below.

– Included is a new version of the “Genesis” interactive graphic novel by Dark Horse Comics
– Stylized recap has been extended to include the events of both Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2
– Demo features a snippet from Shepard’s battle in a training ground for biotics
– Exclusive weapon: M-597 Ladon
– M-597 Ladon can target up to six enemies simultaneously
– Enemies are marked in red on the HUD
– After targeting, it unleashes a barrage of devastating homing rockets once you pull the right trigger
– Can pause Mass Effect 3 to drag and drop icons from the weapon wheel
– The wheel encompasses all of the abilities you and your two squad mates can activate during battle into a customizable set of eight hotkeys
– Four hotkeys are on each side of the touchscreen
– If you want to have Garrus send out a concussive shot, you just target an enemy and tap the appropriate icon as you play
– Map is included on the GamePad
– Enlarge or shift the map by dragging your fingers across it
– Once again, includes the Extended Cut DLC and multiplayer suite


Dragon Quest X footage

Posted 11 years ago by in News, Videos, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments

Here you go, Dragon Quest fans – below is roughly four hours of Dragon Quest X footage.


One magazine has a new preview of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate this month. The article provides a sneak peak of Simon Belmont, one of the game’s playable characters. Take a look at Belmont in the scan above.


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