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Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed executive producer Steve Lycett says that developer Sumo was initially surprised by some of Wii U’s specs. In particular, the team was pleased with the capabilities of the GPU.

According to Lycett:

“There are always surprises and unexpected challenges when you develop on a new console. When we first got our hands on the kit, the first surprise was the capability of the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). We’d been worried that we might need to re-engineer all the effects and shaders in the game, but they worked just fine.”

Lycett says that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on Wii U looks just as good as the other versions. It may actually look slightly better since it has “way more memory” than other platforms.

“The Wii U looks as good as any of the HD platforms. The Wii U has way more memory, so we can take advantage of that with less compression on elements and textures, so it will look all lovely and shiny.”


Square Enix accidentally revealed its surprises for The World Ends With You today.

A listing taken by Japanese blogs reveals that an iOS port is in the works. This will have arranged tracks from Kingdom Hearts 3D.

Also planned is a brand new soundtrack that will be available on October 1 for 1,890 yen. Square Enix will be including music from the iOS version, tracks from Kingdom Hearts 3D, and brand new pieces.

It’s not entirely clear if there are any additional announcements to be made, but I’d say there is now a much smaller chance of a sequel.

Source, Via

In case you haven’t heard, Renegade Kid will soon be releasing Mutant Mudds on the PC. This version will include twenty original levels not included in the original eShop game. Renegade Kid co-founder says this was done in particular to make the port “a little more special.”

Those who purchased Mutant Mudds on the 3DS have been wondering if these new levels will eventually be brought to the handheld. It sounds like it’s something that is being considered – Watsham said “I hope so” while speaking about the possibility – but news isn’t imminent.

Watsham explained on his personal blog:

A new piece of downloadable content is coming to Fire Emblem: Awakening next week. Essentially, the mission sees players protecting the five Anna sisters.

The DLC will be hitting Japan on August 30. Pricing is set at 250 yen.


This isn’t the first time we’re hearing about Transformers Prime: The Game and Wii U. Activision’s own site listed Wii U as one of the game’s platforms. It has since been removed, but that finding, coupled with this ESRB rating, could mean that an announcement will be made soon.


A couple of days ago, Ubisoft registered a slew of Assassin’s Creed domains. Each has the word “initiate” in the URL.

Twelve domains are now in Ubisoft’s possessions. They are:

These domains may not actually be game-related. They could be for an upcoming comic, film, or something else entirely. Only time will tell!

Source, Via

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