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IGN has published a new rumor regarding Microsoft’s next console.

While most of the article focuses on the system’s release date and some technical specifications, there was a terse statement included regarding a comparison to Nintendo’s upcoming console. The site claims that the next Xbox “will yield 20-percent greater performance than Nintendo’s forthcoming console, the Wii U.”

I think most gaming enthusiasts had assumed that both Microsoft and Sony’s next consoles would end up being much more powerful than Wii U. However, it’ll be tough to make any true comparisons until the final specs of all of these systems have been provided.

Thanks to Jake for the tip!

It’s anniversaries galore this year! Mega Man, Street Fighter, and Metal Gear all turn 25 this year.

Square Enix’s Final Fantasy will be celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, too. The company shared an official logo for the occasion today – you can find the image above.

Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure has probably been a bigger success than Activision had expected. The game has been lighting up the software charts around the world, and has managed to be a hit among both kids and (some) adults.

So it’s no surprise that Activision is planning what looks to be a sequel to Skylanders. A number of domains under the “Skylanders Giants” name have been picked up by MarkMonitor. MarkMonitor was also involved with the domain registration for the current Skylanders title.

If this is a new Skylanders project, you can expect that it’s in the works for at least one Nintendo system.


Darksiders II trailer

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A third-party company is promising to greatly extend the battery life of the 3DS. Japan Trust Technology is preparing a new 5,800mAh add-on that will apparently last over ten hours. It adds 9mm of thickness, but the product might be worth it for the improved battery.

Consumers can choose from two sets. White, red, and pink covers retail for 9,980 yen. The blue and black covers go for 9,480 yen.

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