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There’s been a rumor going around that the Wii U will launch in North America on November 18. I’ve been careful not to post such speculation here as the original source is extremely dubious.

However, IGN believes they’ve obtained a piece of evidence that supports the rumor.

The photo above comes from an email sent by a GameStop Regional Manager. IGN says it “seems to support the notion that the Wii U very well might release on November 18 as speculated.”

Not so fast. If you look at the title of the email, it says, “Wii U North American and Japanese Release Date Leaked?” It appears that this person was merely basing the content of his message off of the original speculation.

I don’t get the impression that he/she has any insider knowledge. What do you guys think?


Infographics are all the rage these days. Nintendo of America has gotten in on the fun with the Xenoblade Chronicles graphic above. You’ll find a rundown of the game’s main characters including the Monado-wielder, Shulk.

Don’t forget – Xenoblade Chronicles will be available in the states on Friday!


Update: posted up these shots which are actually from Captivate 2009. Go slap them!

I know a lot of Nintendo fans are hoping Capcom will announce a localized version of Monster Hunter Tri G at Captivate. It’d be nice if that actually happened!


Kid Icarus: Uprising AR cards were added to the UK version of Club Nintendo a couple of weeks ago. North American fans have been wondering if a similar reward would be made available in North America. Fortunately, the answer appears to be yes!

A NOA customer service representative wasn’t able to provide an availability date for the cards, but confirmed that Nintendo “are indeed working on it”.

The representative said:

“Thank you for your feedback on the Club Nintendo services. I have forwarded your message to the appropriate department.

“It is already our plan to release the cards on the Club Nintendo Rewards Program. When they well be available is still undecided but we are indeed working on it!”

Thanks to Alan I for the tip!


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