Part 2!
I’ve tried starting this article a bunch of times now and I can’t quite strike the right tone so I’m just going to reveal the punch line right away instead of doing some drawn out build up because I’m supposed to: Game reviews are stupid, and gaming-related articles are stupid. The whole façade that we (us gaming writers) know what we’re talking about is stupid, and it’s just that; a façade. Every single person who sits in front of a keyboard to write about video games has a job to do, and that’s to make their readers think they are smarter than them. I’m here to let you know that they’re not smarter than you. I’m not smarter than you. Hell, I’m probably way dumber than you, and that is okay. I just want to make you feel like your opinion is worth more than any game journalist’s.
There haven’t been a whole lot of updates about Ikachan for DSiWare, but Nicalis is still working on the project. Nicalis head Tyrone Rodriguez shares some details in the video above and even shows a tiny bit of blurry footage!
Rodriguez also opened up about the possibility of making an original title, says that they’re wrapping up NightSky for the 3DS, comments on a “small surprise” for the 3DS this summer, and teases a game that will be on the Wii U and 3DS – which could be their first multiplayer title.
A ¥1,000 Fire Emblem-themed Nintendo Points card will be included with each unit of the Fire Emblem: Awakening bundle.
01./00. [PSP] Tales of the Heroes: Twin Brave #
02./00. [3DS] Harvest Moon: The Land of Origin
03./00. [PS3] Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm Generation
04./00. [PSP] I Don’t Have Many Friends Portable #
05./00. [PS3] Asura’s Wrath
06./00. [PSP] Nendoroid Generation #
07./05. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land
08./04. [3DS] Mario Kart 7
09./06. [3DS] Monster Hunter 3G #
10./00. [PS3] The Idolmaster: Gravure For You! Vol.5
11./02. [PS3] Binary Domain
12./00. [PSP] Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 5: Kazahanaki #
13./08. [3DS] Resident Evil: Revelations
14./00. [PS3] Touch, Shot! Love Application #
15./03. [3DS] Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
16./00. [PS3] Gal Gun #
17./01. [3DS] New Love Plus #
18./07. [PSP] Samurai Warriors 3 Z Special
19./00. [PSP] Moujuutsukai to Oujisama: Snow Bride Portable #
20./09. [PSP] Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki
Some folks are speculating that the video above will be used as the opening in Kingdom Hearts 3D.