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I never had much of an issue controlling Super Mario 64 DS. I know there a number of folks out there who did, however. Fortunately, the 3DS makes things a lot easier thanks to the Circle Pad. You can see a brief demonstration of using the analog nub for the DS title above.


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Posted 14 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

The 3DS has finally been released… in one territory, that is! Unfortunately, North American and European gamers still have to wait about one more month before being able to purchase the system themselves. Hopefully the photos below won’t make the wait too painful!

Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4, Source 5

My story of how I got the GameCube is one of sadness. To begin, I was inside my local Toys R Us (back when they were cool) and was looking around the video game section. Anyone remember how they had you pay for the games in a separate section from the rest of the store? In any case, while I was there, I played a demo station of Soul Calibur 2. It was at that moment I wanted a GameCube.

I quickly returned home to formulate a plan to obtain the system, and, more importantly, Soul Calibur 2. I wanted the GameCube version for two reasons: 1: Most of my friends had that version. 2: Link was an exclusive character. So, sue me! It was also a good excuse to get the new Smash Bros. and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, which was like the Dreamcast game but with plenty of additional features.

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