This information comes from the Super Meat Boy Twitter…
“ATTENTION: there will not be a Wiiware version of SMB. we are looking in to retail Wii, bit its also looking grim. still looking though. no publishers we talk to say wii retail doesnt make enough money for them to invest. there is still a chance, i dont want to say no till we know for sure there is no chance of it happening”
Man, it’s unbelievable what has happened with the WiiWare version of Super Meat Boy. I feel like the game was announced for the platform ages ago! Xbox 360 owners have been playing it for a couple of months now while Wii owners aren’t even sure if they will be eventually be able to purchase the title. Going to retail really does seem like the only other possible option, but things aren’t looking promising.
I’m hijacking the site for 2 seconds here because I just noticed something really quite silly. And because I know I can do it without getting in trouble. But mostly the first reason.
As I was updating our sister site, GamingEverything, I noticed yet another post about gamers complaining that their Call of Duty: Black Ops copies aren’t working online, despite numerous patches by Treyarch attempting to fix the issues. Every time I’ve posted these types of posts, I never really paid much mind because I personally have had no issues with the online in the game, but then I also realized: No one is really complaining about the Wii version. All the bugs are in the PS360 version of the game!
Sort of ironic considering how the Wii is generally considered an inherently worse piece of online tech… Anyone here experiencing major Wii Black Ops problems? Do you also find it sort of funny that the Wii version works fine? Discuss with me, my lovely readers.
– Game will have the most voice ever for the series
– Can bring your girlfriends and hairstyles from LovePlus +
– Connectivity with the two arcade titles
– “Kareshi Lock” (or “Boyfriend Lock”) is the feature in which girls remember your face
– Girlfriend will ask “Who are you?” when someone else plays
– Won’t be a launch title for 3DS
– “Love Plus Productions” announced, will make LovePlus, Tokimeki Memorial and the Tongari Boushi games
You know, this actually looks pretty impressive for the DS. It might be ignored, though, as its release date is close to the 3DS’ launch.
Thanks to Thwarp for the tip!
– Second player can use the Wiimote to stop attacking enemies
– Realistically shaded characters/flat shaded silhouette-like characters
– Flat shaded characters are the 5 students
– Black, Blue, Yellow, Pink, Red students
– Black invites the other characters to the ravine
– Black’s father owns the mansion at which they are staying
– Blue is kind/has a strong sense of justice
– Yellow was raised well and is pure hearted
– Pink states her opinion clearly
– Red is a leader, has a temper
– Red says “Let’s test our courage” and gets the mess started
– Don’t control Pink and Red
– Control Black, Blue, Yellow, “You”
– Will get attacked by creatures, but can’t defeat them
– Have to run away
– Will find a mysterious young girl
– This girl is friendly with Yellow
Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!
– 30 hours play time first time through the game
– Amount will vary if players redo quests/revisit dungeons
– Sakaguchi had hoped to make a game with a good tempo and a feeling of “denseness” about the story
– 12,000 lines of in-game voiced dialogue
– That number was more than Sakaguchi expected
– Can go online after arriving at the first save point
– Character’s level and how much you’ve strengthened your weapons are reflected during the online group boss battle, so you may want to do a bit of single-player first
– Battle royal mode only carries your physical appearance, not level and weapon strength
– Team battle royal mode online
– Online: random matches, play against someone you don’t know, play with friends, play with those with whom you’ve exchanged friend codes
– Replay single-player will all items in tact
– Team is balancing the game for second play throughs, will have specific drop items
– Many details at the game’s conference on the 27th
Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!