Man, I can’t believe Shantae’s almost here. I feel like Risky’s Revenge was announced years ago! Fortunately, we won’t have wait much longer… We’re less than two weeks away now. I know I’ll be downloading the game as soon as possible.
This information comes from Epic Mickey producer Raul Ramirez…
“… of course that seems to be what everybody feels now that those controls (Kinect/Move) have come in. There are talks going on, but… I don’t know.”
When Epic Mickey was first announced, there seemed to be no doubts that the game would be a Wii-exclusive. Over there past few months, though, the door sounds like it’s been opened slightly. You have to wonder if, in a year from now, we’ll have heard an announcement that Epic Mickey is heading to the PlayStation 3/Xbox 360.
– First world is Grass Land
– Much water in Grass Land, but not in the second world
– Second world is Hot Land
– In Hot Land, Kirby needs to go through the level which is filled with sand, lava, and dinosaurs
– Location-specific vehicles
– In the Pyramid Sands level, Kirby becomes an off-road vehicle
– Hold 1 to accelerate, 2 to jump
– Try to grab collectibles by jumping
– Collectibles include beeds and a speed boost power up
– Dune-buggy-esque baddies
– Can jump on the winners’ podium stage at the end of the off-roading sections to get beads
In honor of Super Mario Bros.’ recent 25th anniversary, Nintendo Power featured the classic title in their latest issue. A few developers were asked to provide some thoughts about the game, which included Hideo Kojima. The Metal Gear created dished out a ton of praise for Super Mario Bros. Kojima noted that the game led him to his position as a game designer and believes the title “deserves to be hailed as one of mankind’s greatest inventions.”
“With the creation of Super Mario Bros., Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto not only altered the future of gaming, but actually changed the concept of ‘value’ for all forms of entertainment. And, in the process, changed my future – leading me to become the game designer I am today.
Using just two simple actions – run and jump – this game managed to capture the thrill and adventure of “exploring a world” in virtual form. For this amazing feat, I feel that the game truly deserves to be hailed as one of mankind’s greatest inventions. The game’s design, sense of fun, interactivity, and celebral philosophy have made it the forefather or every game that has come since, and of every game yet to come.
Super Mario Bros. is equivalent to the Big Bang of our gaming universe. If it were not for this blindingly spectacular creation, digital entertainment as we know it today would not exist.
Mr. Miyamoto, thank you for giving birth to Super Mario Bros.”