In just two days on the market, Pokemon Black/White has acquired some impressive sales numbers in Japan. According to Famitsu, the game moved 2.63 million units between Saturday and Sunday. Unlike most titles, Black/White’s debut week lasted only two days. Even so, it now holds the record for the biggest first week in Japanese sales history. Something tells me we’ll see additional records broken when the game arrives in other territories!
Dead Rising 2 (PS3/360) – 9/8/9/9
Okamiden: Chisaki Taiyou (DS) – 9/8/8/9
K-On! Houkago Live!! (PSP) – 8/8/8/8
Eiyuu Densetsu: Zero no Kiseki (PSP) – 8/8/8/7
Quantum Theory (PS3/360) – 8/8/8/7
Nintendo Week 9/21
Kirby’s Epic Yarn Trailer 2
Ultimate Wii Challenge Super Metroid #1
Triple Throwing Sports Info Video
Very Hungry Caterpillar’s ABCs Info Video
GO Series: 10 Second Run Info Video
Ivy the Kiwi? Demo
Dragon Ball: Origins 2
Battle of Giants: Mutant Insects
Deca Sports DS Cheerleading Demo
Deca Sports DS Ping Pong Demo
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
Bakugan Battle Brawlers
James Patterson Women’s Murder Club: Games of Passion
Yoshinori Ono on the opportunities one considers when bringing a franchise like Super Street Fighter to 3DS…
“In the plan of bringing Street Fighter IV back to the scene, my desire was to bring back everyone into how people used to play Street Fighter 2. We just wanted to bring that passion back to the industry. So when we started, we started from HD [consoles], Xbox 360 and PS3, because that’s where we thought most gamers were, so that’s how we released the games first [in those consoles].
But obviously, even with those consoles we couldn’t quite bring back the sensation we had with Street Fighter 2 because the situation is different now. People play games on different machines, so the next point was iPhone. I thought about releasing a game on iPhone and you know that, again, is directed to a different demography and that also touched the casual gamers as well, and I was then looking for another medium to touch an even bigger casual market, and at that point Nintendo announced 3DS and I decided that that was the way to touch the casual market with Street Fighter.
Although it’s a hardcore game on a hard gamers console, previous to 3DS, on iPhone we could play with the touch screen as well. With 3DS you’ve got stunning graphics anyway so all in all, that [the 3DS] is going to be an important core of the Street Fighter gaming in the entire hardcore and casual gamers [community].”
“We appreciate Cammie’s contributions to Nintendo and the role she played in bringing the Wii and Nintendo DS experiences to millions of people. Her team and the rest of Nintendo of America remain focused on our goal of maintaining the incredible momentum Nintendo enjoys heading into the busy holiday season.” – Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America’s president and chief operating officer
“I’m thankful for my time with Nintendo and proud of our team’s accomplishments in growing the Nintendo audience. I look forward to watching the continued growth of the Nintendo brand in the years ahead.” – Cammie Dunaway
I don’t think any Nintendo fan will be able to forget Cammie Dunaway. She’s had some pretty infamous moments at E3, like her attempt to play with Shaun White Snowboarding in 2008. Overall, though, I’m sure she’s been quite valuable to the company, and we wish her luck in her future endeavorers!
Halo: Reach – 9 (8)
Sam & Max: TDP – 9
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions – 5
NHL 11 – 8
Worms Reloaded – 7
Metroid: Other M – 7 (6)
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West – 9
Kung Fu Rider – 3
Wii Party – 8
Sports Champions – 7
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days – 6
Dead Rising 2 – 7
FIFA 11 – 8
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light – 6
Madden NFL 11 – 7
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light – 9
R.U.S.E. – 7