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“Several developers that have experienced 3DS in its current form have reported, off the record, that it has processing capabilities that far exceed the Nintendo Wii and bring the device with abilities that are close to HD consoles such as PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. According to several developer sources, the 3DS device is not using the NVIDIA Tegra mobile chipset, a rumor that’s been floating around since 2009.”

I’m having a hard time believing this one. Looking back at previous portables, they’ve never really surpassed their console “counterparts” in terms of processing power. I think we’d be lucky if the 3DS’ power matched the GameCube, though I’d be very glad if it was more powerful than that! We’ll have to see which specs Nintendo reveals at E3.



Kuma Nage ?Puzzle Hen: Piina no Suki na Akai Candy & Kuma Nage ?Puzzle Hen: Kiina no Kirai na Aoi H?seki (1000pts – Square-Enix)

Virtual Console

Fighter’s History Dynamite (900pts Neo Geo – D4 Enterprise)


at Sports! K?shien 2010 & at Sports! Pro Baseball 2010 (500pts – Tasuke)
Ferrari GT: Evolution (800pts – Gameloft)


SEGA will be bringing back two maps from the original Conduit for multiplayer in the sequel. Fans can vote on the company’s forums and official Facebook page. The two maps that receive the most votes on those pages will return in Conduit 2.

Which maps would you like to see in Conduit 2?

Thanks to Jordan G for the tip!

Forum thread here, Conduit Facebook here


“In a previous interview with Nikkei Trendy, Level 5 president Akihiro Hino said that the US office would be around ten people, made up of staff from Japan and those hired locally. He also said that he eventually wanted to handle the publishing internally for the Professor Layton series, which is currently handled outside of Japan by Nintendo.” –

Hmm…That could be very interesting. I’m expecting that the next Professor Layton title will be published by Nintendo in North America/Europe, but beyond that, it’s anyone’s guess.

Thanks to Robert for the tip!


SEGA’s E3 2010 lineup

Posted 14 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 3 Comments

– Vanquish (PS3/360)
– Conduit 2 (Wii)
– Sonic Colors (Wii/DS)

– Shogun 2: Total War (PC)
– Tournament of Legends (Wii)
– Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP)
– Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I (PS3/360/Wii/iPhone)


If you didn’t already guess, there will not be a game night this week due to my absence from a Wii both tonight and tomorrow night. Sorry for any inconvenience on the part of those looking to play with us this weekend, and another apology for updating this so late! Also, I won’t be in town next weekend either, so I’m not entirely sure what we’re going to do about that! Give me some time to get creative and maybe we can work something out!

Until then, see you all!


More Sonic Colors details

Posted 14 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 5 Comments

This information comes from Nintendo Power…

– Dr. Robotnik has pulled the planets together with a tractor beam, transforming them into an amusement park
– Go from planet to planet
– Can choose which planet to visit from a world-map screen
– Sometimes have freedom of where to go to next
– Tropical Resort Zone: Neon lights, water fountains, spotlights, Giant Ferris wheels, Dr. Robotnik’s voice can be heard on the PA system
– At the end of the sage, the Ferris wheel turns into a robot
– Sweet Mountain Zone: Donuts, pancakes, other food, use the drill to go through
– At the end of each level, Sonic steps on a button to free Wisps from a metal capsule
– At least 8 planets
– Consistent frame rate
– Upbeat, jazzy soundtrack
– Bosses from the Wii game will appear in the background of the DS version and vice versa
– Globe-like robot boss battle in DS version

Nintendo of Europe recently opened the “Play Wii” website to showcase well-received Wii games. A video showcasing such titles can be seen on the site, but we’ve also posted it below.

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