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There were a few mysterious names that popped up on Nintendo’s latest round of release date updates. We now know what The Last Story is, but Xenoblade was one of the other unknown titles. A site for the game has opened, however, and has confirmed that Xenoblade is the Japanese name for Monado: Beginning of the World. There’s no new information for the title right now, although you can check out the game’s teaser site here.


Update: Added in a bit of information below

Mistwalker has finally unveiled their new project, The Last Story. After much speculation regarding what Mistwalker has been teasing the past few months, the game has been confirmed for the Wii. Nintendo and Mistwalker have yet to share many details, but the game is an RPG and will be released in Japan this year. You can check out the game’s official site here.

– Theme of universal feelings held by people
– Co-developed by Mistwalker and Nintendo
– Goal is to create a new type of RPG
– Developer blog starting in March

Iwata on the iPad…

“It was a bigger iPod Touch. There were no surprises for me.”

Iwata denying the DS successor rumors (with motion sensing) and Wii HD rumors…

“I question whether those features would be enough to get people to buy new machines.”

Note: Iwata did acknowledge that the company is working on new systems, though that isn’t too surprising.

Iwata on 3D gaming…

“I have doubts whether people will be wearing glasses to play games at home. How is that going to look to other people?”


Small update: Added in a few details below

Numerous Japanese websites are reporting that a new Pokemon title is in development for the DS. Game Freak, who has been in charge of the handheld RPGs, will once again be handling the newest title. Much of the game is shrouded in mystery as of now, but the title is indeed an RPG and it is expected to be released this year in Japan.

* Title: TBA
* Distributor: Nintendo
* Publisher: Game Freak, Inc.
* Release date: 2010
* Retail Price: TBD
* Genre: RPG
* Platform: Nintendo DS

– New gameplay
– New Pokemon
– New adventure


Once again, this information comes from Nintendo’s Supplementary Information about Earnings Release…

This information comes from Nintendo’s Supplementary Information about Earnings Release…

Interesting details:

– Zelda Wii is listed as “TBA”
– A title called Xenoblade is listed
– “The Last Story” is listed as well, which confirms that it is not Last Window
– Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid: Other M are on track for this year
– More specifically, Other M should be hitting Japan in the summer
– Kensakusu and Start With 100 Words: English Conversation, two unknown titles, are on the list
– Kirby Wii pops up on the list once again

PSP – 52,909
Wii – 45,167
PS3 – 26,966
DSi LL – 24,059
DSi – 20,373
DS Lite – 4,966

Xbox 360 – 3,343
PS2 – 2,088
PSP go – 1,773

For comparison’s sake, here are the numbers from December 28, 2009 (last week).

PSP – 71,186
Wii – 57,349
PS3 – 35,156
DSi LL – 30,418
DSi – 27,292
DS Lite – 6,574

Xbox 360 – 4,622
PS2 – 2,580
PSP go – 2,027

Brain Cadets screenshots

Posted 15 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

BUENOS AIRES, – January 28th 2010 – Sabarasa announced today that Save the Turtles, a compelling puzzle game exclusively available for Nintendo DSiWare™, will be available in Quarter 1 2010. Save the Turtles allows puzzle solvers to act as good humanitarians by aiding the endangered sea turtles as they burst from their shells and make the life or death break for the deep ocean’s safe blue waters.

Save the Turtles boasts multiple gameplay modes, an animated flare reminiscent of a Saturday morning cartoon bursting with exuberant colors, real life environmental issues and puzzles that increase in complexity. Set in real world beach locations, the defenseless sea turtles venture into an unforgiving tropical environment and require safekeeping against predators such as the ever-resourceful seagull and the crafty pincer crab. Other perilous dangers players must navigate sea turtles through as they embark on their quest to safety include overexposure to the humid sun and manmade hazards such as oil spills and garbage.

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