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– Published by Nintendo
– Quiz game
– Play through different generations of TV quiz challenges (4 players)
– Six people can play in quiz battle mode
– Supports Miis
– The game is based on a Japanese quiz show
– Releasing December 17


New Wii update released

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 11 Comments

Second update: Those who downloaded the Wii Internet Browser for 500 points can now receive a free VC NES title (thanks Ronin180!)

Update: Apparently the latest update is for the Ambassador program (earn free VC titles by helping others connect online) in Europe, but again, there are no noticeable changes for North American Wii systems at this point.

A new Wii update is ready for installation – in North America at least. However, the purpose behind the update is unknown at this time. Additionally, the firmware number remains at 4.2 after the download . The DSi Shop is back up as well, although the handheld does not have an upgrade to download unlike the Wii. We’ll update this post with further information as it becomes available.

Famitsu review scores

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 3 Comments

Bayonetta (360) – 10/10/10/10
Bayonetta (PS3) – 10/10/9/9
Super Robot Taisen Neo (Wii) – 8/7/7/7
Sin and Punishment 2 (Wii) – 8/8/8/7 (works well with Wiimote, slight learning curve, some stages drag on)

Final Fantasy Gaiden: Four Warriors of Light (DS) – 9/8/8/8 (classic elements with story/music, nice touches, blends well with today’s gaming standards)
Tekken 6 (PS3) – 9/8/8/8 (large character roster, bland action in the campaign)
Tekken 6 (360) – 9/8/8/8 (large character roster, bland action in the campaign)
Persona 3 Portable (PSP) – 8/8/8/8 (quicker movement thanks to no 3D map)
GTA: Chinatown Wars (DS) – 9/9/8/9
Elminage 2 (PSP) – 7/8/6/6


When The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time released, z-targeting was introduced, which enables players to lock-on to enemies. And even after all these years, that gameplay mechanic is still being included in new titles – Red Steel 2 included. According to Jason Vandenberghe, Creative Director of Red Steel 2, the developers purposely borrowed z-targeting from Ocarina of Time and explains that a huge change in the interface would be unnecessary.

“Well, of course we looked at everything in the known universe for inspiration (Metroid Prime, Zone of the Enders, etc, etc), but hell yeah, Zelda is a great example of how to make locking in melee work, and I’m very much of the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” school of thought when it comes to interface. I prefer to take a hard look at what has already worked in the past, start there, and then evolve. Which is pretty much what we did.

Just so that you know, we have two selectable lock systems in the game – the default “auto-lock” system (that will do most of the work for you), and a “manual” system (that gives you full control over when and on whom you lock).

With auto-lock, the idea was that you can just jump into the fray and start swinging, without having to think too much about where you were looking. This is my favorite mode, FYI – my fighting style is berserker (for sure), and I love it when the game does its best to put targets in front of me.

Roman (my lead designer) feels differently – he’s much more a “style” player, and prefers to have exact control over his enemy selection. He’s always cautiously strafing around, getting behind people, dodging, looking for chances to take out more than one at a time… thus, he prefers the manual lock.

We’re continuing to make refinements to both systems even now. We will not rest until it’s frackin’ perfect!”

When you think about Mickey Mouse, crying isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. However, Warren Spector’s dream is to see kids crying at Disneyland after they have played Junction Point Studios’ Epic Mickey. Spector told Game Informer:

“As people play the game and they look at things, and they move through spaces and they listen to the soundtrack – I want them to have this feeling of recognition and familiarity, and then I want to yank the rug out from under them. On top of that, I really want to scare kids. I want to go to Disneyland and see a 10 year old kid crying. ‘Oh mommy, the clock tower’s going to come to life and eat me!’ That’s my fondest dream. Disney scared the pants of me when I was a little kid. Disney really needs to scare kids!”

Shadow Walker screenshots

Posted 15 years ago by in News, Wii | 2 Comments

As Seen On TV range brings the Nation’s favourite television shows to Nintendo DS and Wii.
Telly addicts rejoice! Now you can bounce on Total Wipeout’s balls, endure Bush Tucker Trials in I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!, and crush Countdown’s Conundrum for yourself as Mindscape deliver all the fun and excitement of the country’s biggest and best-loved TV shows exclusively for Nintendo Wii and DS.

As part of Mindscape’s ever-expanding As Seen On TV line-up, 2009 brings the videogame debut of TV megahits such as Family Fortunes, ITV Studios Countdown, and ITV Studios I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!, all of which will be available for both the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo DS. Also joining the line-up – which already boasts favourites Ready Steady Cook: The Game, Deal or No Deal and Golden Balls – is The Ultimate Red Ball Challenge, the official Nintendo Wii game of BBC’s Saturday night smash, Total Wipeout.

Excerpt from a recent interview with Popular Mechanics:

“With both the Wii remote itself and Wii MotionPlus, what we’ve been able to do is introduce an interface that is both I think appealing and at the right price for a broad audience. And while we don’t have any concrete plans for what we’ll be doing with hardware in the future, what I can say is that, my guess is that because we found this interface to be so interesting, I think it would be likely that we would try to make that same functionality perhaps more compact and perhaps even more cost-efficient.”

To be completely honest, Nintendo is probably nearing completion on the “Wii 2” and Miyamoto probably knows about it. Nevertheless, what do you guys think? Would you be satisfied with a smaller, cheaper, more powerful Wii as Nintendo’s next console?

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