Game Freak, the creators of the handheld Pokemon titles, wish to hire a 3D modeler. Now I’m wondering: What does the company have in mind? We’ve heard that a Pokemon Wii game is in development, but Game Freak has yet to create a console title. In fact, Game Freak has little experience with 3D in general. So will the developers take the plunge into the console world? Or will they make use of 3D models for the next handheld title? Perhaps nothing will come of the hiring at all! So while this is a little piece of interesting news, we’ll have to wait and see if there’s any significance behind it.
Thanks to MXF11 for the news tip!
Thanks to Henrick W for the news tip!
…And we’ve posted the first details below:
– Can raise alpacas, take part in beekeeping
– Similar gameplay as previous Harvest Moon titles
– Two mayors want you to move in to their towns (Bluebell, European themes or Konohana, Japanese themes) – it’s your choice
– Bluebell has more animal/livestock activities
– Konohana focuses on crops (rice, fruits, vegetables)
– In time you’ll find someone to marry
– Releasing this winter in Japan
– Developers of Disaster: Day of Crisis working on the game
– Sequel to Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier
– Story/game systems/combat areas going further in this game
– Can control Aldi (17, has red hair) or Neju (117 years old)
– Story follows the original after the fused world has been created
– Gameplay split into 3 parts: fields, events, battles
– Touching enemies on the world map will lead you to battle
– Releasing this winter
– Sequel was decided on when the the Wiimote was seen
– Game was not always Sin and Punishment – They were creating the game and it sort of morphed into S&P.
– “Very deep” story
– Sin and Punishment 2 set on a different planet, but takes place in the universe from the first game
– Play as Isa Jo (son of Saki Amamiya, Airan Jo)
– Mystery girl Kachi in the game
– Isa helps Kachi even though he was told to kill her, now the two are being targeted
– More stages than in the first game
– Double the length of the original
– Can move in the air or on the ground
– Two playable characters, both have own abilities
– Easy mode is easier, hard mode is harder (compared to the first game)
– Being made for hardcore gamers
– Wi-Fi score ranking